Rock hard tennis ball tits

Just a quick question (sorry, all the girls I was gonna suggest have been done!). Does anyone else wish Jenna Haze would get some fake tits?
I mean, she's fuckin hot without them and her vids are some of the sexiest and dirtiest that I've seen, but maybe it's time she just took a gamble and tried out a pair of big, firm fake tits. I think she'd look fuckin amazing, but then I can only think of about 3 girls who I don't think would look better with fake tits.

Same goes for Tori Black actually. She'd just be perfect with fake tits.

Quite so. She's got all the correct criteria. Just needs the perfectly round fakeness stuck on a visible ribcage. I'm just going to throw in some before and after shots. From super flat to the best that science can offer.

Rebeca linares