So a fun casserole to make is chili dog casserole. My kiddos love it and it's quick! Unless you actually make real chili instead of using canned chili.
2 cans of (I use wolf brand chili) canned chili
Pack of hot dogs
Soft shell wraps
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Put one can of chili in a oven safe dish on bottom. Line soft shell wraps with sour cream, put hot dogs in and wrap up. Place wrapped hot dogs on top chili and put a lawyer of cheese. Put second can of chili on top and top with more shredded cheese. Put in oven on 350-400 whatever... in my oven it is about 20-25 minutes. Oven heats vary so go with your gut. I usually wait until cheese is super melted and gooey and edge chili is dry and burnt like.
2 cans of (I use wolf brand chili) canned chili
Pack of hot dogs
Soft shell wraps
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Put one can of chili in a oven safe dish on bottom. Line soft shell wraps with sour cream, put hot dogs in and wrap up. Place wrapped hot dogs on top chili and put a lawyer of cheese. Put second can of chili on top and top with more shredded cheese. Put in oven on 350-400 whatever... in my oven it is about 20-25 minutes. Oven heats vary so go with your gut. I usually wait until cheese is super melted and gooey and edge chili is dry and burnt like.