RIP firefox, it was nice knowing you


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Why you hate google so much?

Google in itself is the bloody devil. The gather and store information about people that use it. There is NOTHING private when it comes to google.

Downside, it's one of those things that's integrated itself so much into our lives you can't not use google. It doesn't mean you can't hate the fuckers with a passion though.

Here in the NL, they were doing their shit for google maps and they "accidently" captured the passwords for people's wireless routers. Not exactly believing the accident storyline.

Mr Glam

Closed Account
Google in itself is the bloody devil. The gather and store information about people that use it. There is NOTHING private when it comes to google.

To be fair, aren't most of the big internet companies doing that sort of thing? Most privacy policies don't say junk so you really don't least I don't.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
To be fair, aren't most of the big internet companies doing that sort of thing? Most privacy policies don't say junk so you really don't least I don't.

Without a doubt they are. But Google just happens to be the big arrogant dog about it.

Doesn't mean I'll stop using google because it's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you dont' situation. But like I said, it doesn't mean that I have to be a google ass kisser.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Doesn't really matter how fast your browser is if the server on the other end is slow. I'm sticking with Firefox....just too familiar with it to change.

Mr Glam

Closed Account
Without a doubt they are. But Google just happens to be the big arrogant dog about it.

Doesn't mean I'll stop using google because it's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you dont' situation. But like I said, it doesn't mean that I have to be a google ass kisser.

Yeah I can kinda see where you are coming from, I'm sure most internet users wouldn't mind if there were a few decent alternatives but....well....
I've used Opera and I personally didn't like it.

I haven't had any issues with Firefox, especially not its speed. Of course, I have fast internet, and a fast computer. There are also about:config tweaks you can use in Firefox to speed it up.
I use Chrome. Is that bad?

I have the new Chrome since a couple months and oh my Holy Jesus...It's FAST.

I never knew a browser could be such a game changer, but IE will never be used again by me since I learned that lesson.

No more waiting for videos to load anymore. That is what matters most to me.

Christina Ryder

Official Checked Star Member
As a web designer, I test my work out in all of the major browsers. So far Firefox has given me no problems and is always fast, Opera is always buggy, Google chrome is just ok and Internet Explorer is all fucked up. I have never used CometBird. You guys that don't like Firefox may need to have your computers checked out or updated.
It's a 10 month old laptop I've got and I am using it just now. And if I am being honest FF isn't all that good on it. I've not got any trojans or anything like that on the thing that could maybe interfere with it working. So I guess it's not always down to the persons computer or laptop when blaming browers of not holding up to the hype surrounding it. Maybe sometimes it's the actual browser to blame for not working properly. I mean Opera works fine on my machine, IE works too, I've never tried Safari or any of the other ones so I can't comment on their status.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
im trying out opera and so far, i think im throwing in the towel on firefox.

what has become of my old dear friend? i never thought it would come to this.

its a little early, but its so much fucking faster and thats what i need right now. firefox just got too slow on me.

anyone else using it?

Been using Opera or Android since 2005 and 2010, respectively. Opera has always been superfast, supersafe. Soo.. this left me the obvious question, why the hell DID anyone use a browser that needs 50 plugins and the latest computer to run at internet explorer speeds? (assuming IE is still speedy but completely unsafe, havent used it since 2002)
As a web designer, I test my work out in all of the major browsers. So far Firefox has given me no problems and is always fast, Opera is always buggy, Google chrome is just ok and Internet Explorer is all fucked up. I have never used CometBird. You guys that don't like Firefox may need to have your computers checked out or updated.

^^:nono: not necessarily -- not by a long shot - it's not necessarily a case of being infected. It's preference: perfectly 100 per cent clean machine here -- and FF -- comparatively speaking -- is far slower than Opera 11. Opera 11 is awesome imo -- there is no other browser which exceeds it in speed.

Christina Ryder

Official Checked Star Member
It's a 10 month old laptop I've got and I am using it just now. And if I am being honest FF isn't all that good on it. I've not got any trojans or anything like that on the thing that could maybe interfere with it working. So I guess it's not always down to the persons computer or laptop when blaming browers of not holding up to the hype surrounding it. Maybe sometimes it's the actual browser to blame for not working properly. I mean Opera works fine on my machine, IE works too, I've never tried Safari or any of the other ones so I can't comment on their status.
^^:nono: not necessarily -- not by a long shot - it's not necessarily a case of being infected. It's preference: perfectly 100 per cent clean machine here -- and FF -- comparatively speaking -- is far slower than Opera 11. Opera 11 is awesome imo -- there is no other browser which exceeds it in speed.

Firefox has always worked great for me. I don't understand how Firefox always works good and fast for me but everyone else complains about it. I guess it might be because I always have a very fast up to date computer and internet connection. I have no complaints about the Firefox browser.:)
Firefox has always worked great for me. I don't understand how Firefox always works good and fast for me but everyone else complains about it. I guess it might be because I always have a very fast up to date computer and internet connection. I have no complaints about the Firefox browser.:)

My internet connection is 8Mb and I have 2Gb of DDR3 ram in the laptop and it says the processor is a Intel Celeron C900. And FF is average for me and Opera is good.
Firefox has always worked great for me. I don't understand how Firefox always works good and fast for me but everyone else complains about it. I guess it might be because I always have a very fast up to date computer and internet connection. I have no complaints about the Firefox browser.:)

:thumbsup: ....a matter of preference. i am gonna stick with the awesomely fast Opera 11 :cool:

Christina Ryder

Official Checked Star Member
Doesn't really matter how fast your browser is if the server on the other end is slow. I'm sticking with Firefox....just too familiar with it to change.

Some web designers suck at optimizing their work to download fast on the internet. I agree that it really doesn't matter how fast the browser/computer is if the server is slow. I also under stand how what you guys are talking about would really piss you off but I just haven't experienced any problems.
Some web designers suck at optimizing their work to download fast on the internet. I agree that it really doesn't matter how fast the browser/computer is if the server is slow. I also under stand how what you guys are talking about would really piss you off but I just haven't experienced any problems.

Me neither. In Firefox, I click a link, and I'm there. The browser would have to read my mind and go to the page before I click it to be any faster.