Great link.
Did someone say US has best health care? Not according to the last survey by the world health organization.
US ranks 37th
But we do rank 2nd in percentage of GDP spent on health care.Boy what a deal we get.:eek:
It works in the UK.Socialized medicine doesn't work ANYWHERE in the world.
Health care in France
The entire population must pay compulsory health insurance. The insurers are non-profit independent agencies not linked to the State. A premium is deducted from all employees' pay automatically. An employee pays 0.75% of salary to this insurance, and the employer pays an amount to the value of 12.8% of the employee's salary.
Companies are folding left and right and we want them to pay up to 12% of the employee's salary for health care? In this time of economic crissis
It works in the UK.
It works in the UK.
Only if you like long lines and Bureaucrats telling what procedures you can have done. I want to be able to CHOOSE my Doctor.
Can I ask where you're getting this information from?
Can I ask where you're getting this information from?
Well I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.Unless we are willing to concede we are not as smart and competent as all the other industrial countries in the world who cover everyone and spend 1/2 per capita on health care then we do we certainly can have universal coverage at much less then we spend now.
The extremely well funded lobbys in the US for the current system have been saying this for decades.They were able to kill it in the 90s.He trusts some scumbag at an HMO or insurance company who is now telling him what doctor or treatment he can have more then the govt.
And to Jason I will tell ya cost wise the US spends DOUBLE per capita what the countrys that have universal systems do.Let me break that down.That means we spend double per person(insured or not) what they do in England or Canada or France etc.
Wikipedia has a lot of good info on the subject.
So if you don't like your Doctor and you want to see oh lets say ten more to get another opinion, its free and the Govt of the UK is going to allow this?
I'm blaming our politicians for this fiasco. Too much government intervention screws up everything.
Of course you can. I have never heard of one single case in which a person who wanted to seek opinions from others being stopped from doing so.
Way to quote Wikipedia they are always 100% correct...and I dont trust an HMO or an Insurance Company more than the govt. I trust my Dr. and me. If I want a procedure I want to be able to get it and if it takes me 20 years to pay for my cancer procedures then I pay for it for 20 years if Insurance wont pay for it. Under Obamas plan I wont be able to do this. I will be denied treatment of my choice because of cost and he has said so himself.
Interesting article despite the emotive & deliberately alarmist statement that they are being "killed off".Breast Cancer Patients being killed off because of lack of care due to cost in the UK.
11% of weekly earnings (if earning between £110 - £884) a week are deducted in National Insurance contributions. These funds are used not just for the NHS but things like State Pensions, Incapacity Benefit, Maternity Allowance, Jobseekers Allowance etc.and how much do you pay in taxes for this health care? No one seems to be answering this question.