i am looking forward to the new res evil 5, seen the trailer and it looks good very good can't wait to play it anyone know when it due out in the uk ?
I remember loving the shit out of Resident Evil 1, then being completely blown out of the water when RE2 came out. That was hands down the best game ever made for the PS1. I just bought RE: Code Veronica, so I haven't put much time on it, but I'm lovin' it so far. I've been playing so much Metal Gear lately that I keep trying to press the R1 button to go into first-person-view, but all the RE games are missing that feature. Makes for more suspense.
Still, though, have to say RE2 is my fav.:thumbsup:
Re2 the best of the series, if they were to remake it for the ps3 it would be scary as hell.