the resident evil movies are good too

especially extinction:bowdown::hatsoff:
I Havn't liked the films thought they were pretty bad to be honest, Degeneration is an alright film not a big fan of Leon and glad of the return of Chris. Been playing this game alot and i've platinumed it unfortuntely.
The Racist comments about the game are ridiculous, the only slightly racist bit in it is where Chris says they don't role out the red carpet for americans (some prejudice there against americans). When chris first see's a guy get infected his initial response is to help the guy not something a racist would do and only killed the guy when he attacked him (self-defence) is he supposed to die because this guy's black? theres arab and white zombies as well but the majority are black because they are African. Africa is a good setting for a game like this it's a country full of corruption and the building of a research facility built by rich Americans doesn't seem so farfetched. Ok then there's the spear chucking manjinis, ok this could be taken as racist until you get to the point where you find a journal that explains that the injection's given to them caused this disease and made them wan't to dress like their ancestors. I don't see how you really can find it racist. I didn't hear anyone claim about GTA: San Andreas being racist, young black man stereotype from the ghetto angry and into crime killing white people, some people just take thing's to far these days no-one can say anything without it being hurtful in some way to certain people, why can't people relax. And no allowing these so of "controversys" won't start to make people think it's a right thing to do and start doing it to people they see, a game won't change a persons ethics and moral's.
Sorry, i'll stop ranting :tongue:
Great to see Ashlee Adams is a hardcore gamer so rare to find women into it, especially an RE fan! If you like Leon and havn't seen Degeneration you should see it, very smooth and detailed animation of Leon in action.