Baptism of fire, initiation type thing?
absolutely ! :thumbsup: one step forward...two steps back ! that's the idea !:1orglaugh
Baptism of fire, initiation type thing?
Has anybody else noticed people with less than 100 posts are now showing rep points? I assume Petra made a change...
Interesting problem cropped up over the weekend. Mr Dirk PM'd me to let me know his rep power stopped updating.
At this very moment, there are 2 members who have reached this cap. Rep power will never increase for them again.
What do you think?
Well, my suggestion is as follows - let some distinguishing mark to those who had reached 20 million reputation points. And then reset to zero, that member again was able to climb stairs. The sign, like the one that gives sports teams that win 10 championships. For example, a star.
The rep-cap has happened before on here. It went on for a while, and then everyone's was just reset to zero. Do it again. :thumbsup:
One question though - if we all have zero, how does anyone get any rep, as the rep you give is a percentage of your own rep (10% of zero is still zero)...?
In case anyone is interested:
When I give a rep, based on my points, the receiving user would get just over 210,000 points, but lately, I've noticed that the actual points given is a lot more, almost 250,000 on the last one I gave. This means that somewhere, hidden in the software, the board knows exactly how many points each user has, it just doesn't have the ability to display it properly.
Your rep power will keep going up. I can't remember what the number is off the top of my head, but every X reputation you receive gives you 1 point of rep power.
So if X = 5, every time you get 5 points of rep from someone else, the number you see on your posts will go up 1 time. If someone gives you 50 points, then that influencing power goes up by 10.
Make sense?
I once heard about a guy who lost about 42K of rep. He was pretty pissed. We all learned later that it was his tiny penis that was making him angry, though.