Republican Pornstar Attends Duke University

duke, feminists, her being a republican, whatever - it's all flotsam and jetsam.

Dat ass.

Let me reiterate, dat. Ass.
Hell yeah!
She's very beautiful and obviously very smart. I believe she has a really good Chance to be highly successful. If she can speak well, then probably somehow dealing with the media.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
She's very beautiful and obviously very smart. I believe she has a really good chance to be highly successful. If she can speak well, then probably somehow dealing with the media.

I think she is obviously smart, since she was accepted to Duke. But considering that Duke and UVA are probably the most conservative of the higher ranked universities in the ACC, I still don't understand why she chose to go there, instead of say, UC Berkley... or some place where her views (and profession) would be more accepted. And for those who want to claim this is about (male) sexism, I think that's something of a cop out. At schools that are heavy on "tradition" (does the Kappa Alpha chapter at Duke still celebrate Old South Day? We called it Kappa Kappa Kappa when I was in school), there's a culture that both guys and girls support, or at least accept - not all, but a good many at places like Duke. So I don't see her being able to go to a Young Republicans meeting at Duke and being offered a chair by a girl any more than a guy.

I don't think she should just fold up or become a conformist, just to survive three more years at Duke. But a big part of going to college is the people you meet (good and bad) and gaining life experience. How much of that is going to be lost if she becomes a complete social pariah - only able to socialize with feminists and assorted loners? She might say that she's a Republican-leaning libertarian this week, but hell, she might be a Democrat-leaning Marxist next week. That's part of being young and finding out who you (really) are. Who I was at 19 is not who I am now. Probably true of most of us. In the article I posted, the writer mentioned that "Belle" nervously looked around the diner(?) to see if anybody was staring at her, when they first sat down for their interview. Three more years of living like that? And anybody who didn't know about her before will know now (and her parents will know very shortly too - almost guaranteed). So in my worthless opinion, she either needs to tell Mom & Dad (totally own up to what she does) and embrace it or sink into the bottomless pit of angry victimhood that I fear she's on the edge of right now. And no offense to anyone, but for Pete's sake, don't spend a quarter of a million dollars getting a degree in women's studies and sociology! Go to a community college, get the same degrees and take the saved money and set it on fire. Same difference. Why not (if she's interested in it) major in one or the other and also major in film making or business??? But... her life = her choice.
And to think, I have been considering matriculating to Duke in the fall. With my major, her and I wouldn't even be in the same buildings most likely, so any "date the porn star" fantasies are just that-- a pipe dream. Although, There would be at least one person who wasn't shaming her. And just maybe, I'd be able to hange some other student's opinions.
Best title summary "Republican Pornstar Attends Duke University" of the 5 threads already started here on FO, ADT tangled into multiple useless moderation cross stage name cross facial abuse cross stupidity, the girl keeps on talking instead of going silent now saying the chronicle screw her over, ... we need to take the lead and keep this thread going full throttle over the weekend.

First, the real name of the girl is blasted all over by multiple blogs already in top search results, along with her stage name Belle Knox, and bits and pieces of the Dukes story under now useless cover story names Lauren/Aurora. Even if she was warned by these so called news outlets they would out her no matter what, she decided to keep on going, keep talking, keep complaining, even blasting the ones she gave an interview to. That is still no reason to call her by her real name as Belle Knox is enough and says it all.

I thought there would be a lot more to say here on FreeOnes, as ADT is completely confused and inept on what and how to moderate a great debate on why [NOBABE]girls do porn[/NOBABE], while refraining people with great insight like Facial Abuse's Jimmy Hooligan and plenty of others to reveal the truth behind porn for a change.

also very interesting read/links here: The hypocrisy of Belle Knox, Duke College porn actress.
especially this user comment:
Cathy says:
February 25, 2014 at 2:45 pm
Lauren… I’m twice your age. Have kids. Watch and enjoy all sorts of porn. No issue with it all. However: I am really struggling with your apparent enthusiasm for shooting it, calling yourself a feminist, yet allowing it be so degrading and personal. Your rough sex scene was disturbing to me. Why? Because you cut your legs. And you exposed your vulnerability to pigs and allowed them to use your vulnerabilities against you. That is far from empowering yourself or women in general. You were ready to cry at being called fat. You cut yourself because you thought you were fat. You let those gross dudes debase you when you’ve already turned to self harm. Go shoot porn, I don’t care. As a secure woman I enjoy porn immensely! But you have issues that you’re not coping with well, and you’re allowing the lowest quality of men to humiliate you in areas where you are obviously disturbed. If you had a purely healthy and stable interest in sex, then you wouldn’t be all cut up and scarred. It’s so bizarre, you are actually very articulate and well versed on paper, but on video you seem like a totally different person. I fear for all the hard work feminism has put in, and I dislike your associating violence and dehumanizing with empowering women.
lets keep it going ...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to

First, the real name of the girl is blasted all over by multiple blogs already in top search results, along with her stage name Belle Knox, and bits and pieces of the Dukes story under now useless cover story names Lauren/Aurora. Even if she was warned by these so called news outlets they would out her no matter what, she decided to keep on going, keep talking, keep complaining, even blasting the ones she gave an interview to. That is still no reason to call her by her real name as Belle Knox is enough and says it all.

I thought there would be a lot more to say here on FreeOnes, as ADT is completely confused and inept on what and how to moderate a great debate on why [NOBABE]girls do porn[/NOBABE], while refraining people with great insight like Facial Abuse's Jimmy Hooligan and plenty of others to reveal the truth behind porn for a change.

also very interesting read/links here: The hypocrisy of Belle Knox, Duke College porn actress.
especially this user comment:

lets keep it going ...

So what are we saying? This student didn't do her homework or did she? One thing she knew is that any woman can get into porn and quick bucks are there for the taking. It was her decision and choice as to how she would earn them. Did she not consider that her face and name would be kept secret from the public? She walked into the job seeing cameras.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

First, the real name of the girl is blasted all over by multiple blogs already in top search results, along with her stage name Belle Knox, and bits and pieces of the Dukes story under now useless cover story names Lauren/Aurora. Even if she was warned by these so called news outlets they would out her no matter what, she decided to keep on going, keep talking, keep complaining, even blasting the ones she gave an interview to. That is still no reason to call her by her real name as Belle Knox is enough and says it all.

I thought there would be a lot more to say here on FreeOnes, as ADT is completely confused and inept on what and how to moderate a great debate on why [NOBABE]girls do porn[/NOBABE], while refraining people with great insight like Facial Abuse's Jimmy Hooligan and plenty of others to reveal the truth behind porn for a change.

also very interesting read/links here: The hypocrisy of Belle Knox, Duke College porn actress.
especially this user comment:

lets keep it going ...

On another site there was a guy who claimed to have gone out with her (high school, I think?) and said that she was a "cutter". He pointed out pics where the cuts could be seen in non-airbrushed photos. Combined with what this "Cathy" person is saying, maybe she does have more serious issues than just making the (rather stupid, IMO) decision to turn down a full scholarship :)facepalm:) at one very good school, Vanderbilt, and do porn just to attend another very good school, Duke. That just makes no sense to me. But I guess it made sense to her... at the time, anyway.

I still wish her well. But the more that is learned about her, the more you begin to think that this story probably will not have a happy ending.
I think Jimmy was right, she's gonna get huge, or just a lil' bigger for a while, nice achievement for such a new comer. She's draggin' a bunch of fans and curious behind her now. Her rate's gotta go up, her agent smiling, all producers asking and booking and seeing $$$ pouring in.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I think Jimmy was right, she's gonna get huge, or just a lil' bigger for a while, nice achievement for such a new comer. She's draggin' a bunch of fans and curious behind her now. Her rate's gotta go up, her agent smiling, all producers asking and booking and seeing $$$ pouring in.

Not likely. It cost $60,000 per year to attend Duke. How can anyone out of high school make 60 large? How about 15k? She'd need 30 shoots at $500 to make that. 30 shoots? Come on man. these college students are a dime a dozen and you can make any one of them look hot with some eye shadow and mascara. I'm sure there are some Duke chicks camming too. Money pouring in? I don't think so. Shoot a few and she is forgotten about.
Not likely. It cost $60,000 per year to attend Duke. How can anyone out of high school make 60 large? How about 15k? She'd need 30 shoots at $500 to make that. 30 shoots? Come on man. these college students are a dime a dozen and you can make any one of them look hot with some eye shadow and mascara. I'm sure there are some Duke chicks camming too. Money pouring in? I don't think so. Shoot a few and she is forgotten about.

... and what's the diff between her and them?
Personally, the only reason I'd book her would be because of her following and potential, and I wouldn't mind paying more than $500 on that occasion. I think you might underestimate the power of buzz.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The only question I have at this point is why would a person who wants to hide their profession from their family doing interviews with newspapers and websites... that feature their picture??? Just since this OP appeared on FreeOnes, there are now numerous sites that list her real name and even where she's from. Call me paranoid, but if I didn't want my family, friends or coworkers to know that I post on FreeOnes as "Rey C.", I wouldn't do an interview with Petra that featured my picture. And even though there is one person here (at least) who knows me from another site, where my real name is known, we don't really acknowledge each other or talk about that here - call it mutually assured destruction.

So back to my question: if one wants to limit what is known about them (even if there is a limited amount already out there), why contribute to it and even add fuel to the fire? I really don't get that part of her story. If you get a full scholarship offer from Vanderbilt and just get accepted to Duke, you're clearly (academically) very smart. But if you do things that don't make a lot of sense in every day life, book smarts is maybe all you've got. Just sayin'. Just askin'. Don't know. Anybody else got a theory on why she's adding to her fame (or infamy) at Duke and with her family?