She's very beautiful and obviously very smart. I believe she has a really good chance to be highly successful. If she can speak well, then probably somehow dealing with the media.
I think she is obviously smart, since she was accepted to Duke. But considering that Duke and UVA are probably the most conservative of the higher ranked universities in the ACC, I still don't understand why she chose to go there, instead of say, UC Berkley... or some place where her views (and profession) would be more accepted. And for those who want to claim this is about (male) sexism, I think that's something of a cop out. At schools that are heavy on "tradition" (does the Kappa Alpha chapter at Duke still celebrate Old South Day? We called it
Kappa when I was in school), there's a culture that both guys and girls support, or at least accept - not all, but a good many at places like Duke. So I don't see her being able to go to a Young Republicans meeting at Duke and being offered a chair by a girl any more than a guy.
I don't think she should just fold up or become a conformist, just to
survive three more years at Duke. But a big part of going to college is the people you meet (good and bad) and gaining life experience. How much of that is going to be lost if she becomes a complete social pariah - only able to socialize with feminists and assorted loners? She might say that she's a Republican-leaning libertarian this week, but hell, she might be a Democrat-leaning Marxist next week. That's part of being young and finding out who you (really) are. Who I was at 19 is not who I am now. Probably true of most of us. In the article I posted, the writer mentioned that "Belle" nervously looked around the diner(?) to see if anybody was staring at her, when they first sat down for their interview. Three more years of living like that? And anybody who didn't know about her before will know now (and her parents will know very shortly too - almost guaranteed). So in my worthless opinion, she either needs to tell Mom & Dad (totally own up to what she does) and embrace it or sink into the bottomless pit of angry victimhood that I fear she's on the edge of right now. And no offense to anyone, but for Pete's sake, don't spend a quarter of a million dollars getting a degree in women's studies and sociology! Go to a community college, get the same degrees and take the saved money and set it on fire. Same difference. Why not (if she's interested in it) major in one or the other and also major in film making or business??? But... her life = her choice.