Republican Pornstar Attends Duke University

^ Brooke Baldwin from CNN should do porn on the side, maybe the story will inspire her.

Here is the op-ed , mentioned in that video:

Student bares all in editorial (Interesting/amusing read and comments here also about op-ed)

- The only question I have at this point is why would a person who wants to hide their profession from their family doing interviews with newspapers and websites
- But if you do things that don't make a lot of sense in every day life, book smarts is maybe all you've got. Just sayin'. Just askin'. Don't know.

:dunno: Does seem rather odd given her apparent intellect.
Belle Knox, Duke College Freshman porn star gave away full scholarship. Link

She wants to be in porn, she didn't have to be to pay for school.

She WANTED to go to Duke. She was accepted to go to Duke. Good for her. I wanted to go to USC but couldn't afford it so I went elsewhere. If I was given the option of doing something like Porn to make enough money to go to USC I would have done it in an instant. I was not - and I understand why and I am fine with the choice of College I made. GREAT for her to go to the school she wanted to attend and pay for it w/o taking out a zillion dollars in student loans that would be a Noose around her neck for a long time if not forever......something her father has.

I have great respect for her going where she wants to go. And no one better question her intelligence because I'd bet really good money those ripping her could NEVER get into Duke. She showed she is Beauty AND Brains - good for her. We spend a lot of time her ripping some women in the industry for being (To quote the line from SNL) "An Ignorant Slut" but here she is smarter than most people out there and going where SHE WANTS TO GO!

Way to go Belle!

And because of this I'd also bet good money that her price has gone up meaning she gets paid more and will do fewer scenes because of it. The Porn Industry could do far worse than to have her be a Spokesperson for them in a way Kayden Kross is, too - and Kayden is damn smart and damn well spoken and makes her opponents look like fools because of the way she handles things and they don't.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I hope it didn't come off that I was ripping her intelligence, as that was not my intention. As I said, to even be accepted to a school like Duke, one has to have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement. What I am questioning though is her longer term thinking, as well as doing things that do anything but lessen the chance that her family finds out about her profession. Let's say she makes $100K a year for the next 3 years doing porn = $300K gross. After taxes and agent's fees, she'll have netted maybe $200K +/-. Depending on what she has to pay for her education and for living expenses, she may have $50K still in the bank at the end of year 3. She'll be what, 22 at that point? For a 22 year old, that's a lot of money. For a 32 year old, not so much. For a 42 year old, it's barely a safety net. It's not that porn is bad or wrong. I'm a social libertarian, so I believe that a person should be able to do what they choose... they just have to take into account the longer term consequences. And that's what I'm trying to ask about here. After I sold a business in my 20's, I put some of the money into a small (silent) interest in a strip bar. I knew that if anyone found out, my career with the new bank I'd joined would be over in a New York minute. It was a legal business, but I also didn't want my family to know about it. By the time I got into that business, I was able to look ahead and think about what it might mean to my longer term future if someone found out. She can certainly do lots of things. I'm not sure that she knows what those things might be at the age of 18/19, but who does? But things that one does at 18/19 may certainly impact one's life at 31, 41 or 51. That's all I'm trying to get at with my question. I do wish her luck... even though she is a nasty Blue Devil and not a Wahoo :)D).
... Anybody else got a theory?

Yes, her rate has to go up, faster than any new comer, without proving herself too much working only once a week, with a less than stellar body and face ready to go rough.

Who wants to pay extra for a smart feminist to get it good and hard,
still in college where half of the fan base is?

I remember listing Duke University as a school that I wanted my SAT score sent to and receiving a very nice "thanks but no thanks" from the admissions office. Good for her for being accepted to one of the top schools in the country. Not surprised about the reaction but as long as she is not involved in student athletics or student government I don't see it causing her any real problems except for the whispers behind her back.


new interview with a few funny things she says:

PLAYBOY: Have you told your parents about what you're doing?

KNOX: Yes.

PLAYBOY: How did they react?

KNOX: I don't want to comment about my family.

PLAYBOY: You wrote that one of the main reasons you did porn was to pay for school and not be saddled with large student loans once you graduated. Would you be doing porn if Duke were free?

KNOX: No. If Duke had given me the proper financial resources, I wouldn't have done porn. They have nobody to blame for the scandal but themselves.

PLAYBOY: Is that what this is really about for you—the skyrocketing cost of higher education in America?

KNOX: Absolutely. My story is a testament to how fucking expensive school is. The fact that the only viable options to pay for college are to take out gigantic student loans, to not go to college at all or to join the sex industry really says something. We need to recognize that there's a gap between what middle-class and upper-middle-class families can pay and what they're asked to pay. We also need to stop looking at loans as a solution to fix our education system, because they're crippling our economy.
If she was really that worried about how she was going to pay for her education then she probably should have taken the scholarship to Vanderbilt. The idea that she is doing porn because she needed a way to pay for her education is ludicrous. She likes to say that she is a proud sex worker, but she also says that she wouldn't be doing this if she didn't need the money for school. Which is it? Also, I think the most disgusting thing she has said is that she feels a person who works in the service industry is automatically in an exploitative and demeaned position. If nothing else, this exposes her own frame of mind. When she is getting her hair and nails done for a shoot, does she view the people performing those services as "second class" citizens? She saw the quick cash, went for it and is now going to tell everyone she encounters not to hold it against her. Good luck.
KNOX: Absolutely. My story is a testament to how fucking expensive MY LUXURY school is. The fact that the only viable options to pay for MY TOP college FOR THE TOP 10% are to take out gigantic student loans, to not go to MY college at all or to join the sex industry really says something. We need to recognize that there's a gap between what LOW RANGE middle-class and >$250k A YEAR TOP "upper-middle-class" families can pay and what they're asked to pay.

We also need to stop looking at loans as a solution to fix our education system, because they're crippling our economy. TRUTH, NO COMMENT

Fixed it for her.
new interview with a few funny things she says:

PLAYBOY: Have you told your parents about what you're doing?

KNOX: Yes.

PLAYBOY: How did they react?

KNOX: I don't want to comment about my family.

PLAYBOY: You wrote that one of the main reasons you did porn was to pay for school and not be saddled with large student loans once you graduated. Would you be doing porn if Duke were free?

KNOX: No. If Duke had given me the proper financial resources, I wouldn't have done porn. They have nobody to blame for the scandal but themselves.

PLAYBOY: Is that what this is really about for you—the skyrocketing cost of higher education in America?

KNOX: Absolutely. My story is a testament to how fucking expensive school is. The fact that the only viable options to pay for college are to take out gigantic student loans, to not go to college at all or to join the sex industry really says something. We need to recognize that there's a gap between what middle-class and upper-middle-class families can pay and what they're asked to pay. We also need to stop looking at loans as a solution to fix our education system, because they're crippling our economy.

I about fell out of my chair when I read that. Now this is Duke's fault? Yeah, government loans certainly arent helping, but Pell Grants are the main problem with rising costs. The Duke novelty has worn off for me. This is just another example how being smart doesnt automatically make you an impressive human.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If she was really that worried about how she was going to pay for her education then she probably should have taken the scholarship to Vanderbilt. :)clap:) The idea that she is doing porn because she needed a way to pay for her education is ludicrous. She likes to say that she is a proud sex worker, but she also says that she wouldn't be doing this if she didn't need the money for school. Which is it? Also, I think the most disgusting thing she has said is that she feels a person who works in the service industry is automatically in an exploitative and demeaned position. If nothing else, this exposes her own frame of mind. When she is getting her hair and nails done for a shoot, does she view the people performing those services as "second class" citizens? She saw the quick cash, went for it and is now going to tell everyone she encounters not to hold it against her. Good luck.

Great post. And you nailed it by pointing out her whining about the cost of education, yet she turned down a full scholarship to an excellent school. And the hypocrisy! Out of one side of her mouth she says how much she loves doing porn and how "empowering" it is (is there a more overused word than that in the English language now?), but then she says she wouldn't be doing porn if Duke had given her the proper financial resources. Well, Vanderbilt was going to give her the proper financial resources and she walked away from that offer, so what's her problem? Oh, wait a minute. She didn't get exactly what she wanted (for free), so she blames Duke for the scandal that she created by her actions. I see. What is it with younger people and this immense entitlement mentality that so many of them have?

At first I dismissed her contradictory ramblings as those of a naive 18-19 year old. But increasingly, it seems like she's just plain ol' full of shit. Clearly, however high her SATs were to get into Duke, they were not indicative of anything but academics. At this point, if she makes it through four years at Duke, I'll be amazed.

P.S. Yeah, I didn't care for that swipe she made at people who work in the service industry either. She whines when people look down on her for doing porn, yet she looks down on waiters and waitresses? Plain ol' full of shit. The more she talks, the more apparent it becomes.
This scandal has really exploded. I honestly didnt think it would go quite this viral. Facial Abuse is really playing up the scandal and using it for advertisements for their website.
Oooooooooooooooooooo mmmmmyyyyyy God -winks
Another college babe is after been revealed as a pornstar ?????
The sssssshhhoooccckkk, the hhhooorrroooorrrr of it
You know, I think the Sky is going to fall in next. I hope someone is after building an Ark that can hold at least 6 billion
because I think we are screwed lads

If there is anger over this babe been discovered to be a pornstar, I think they need to get their heads examined veeerryyyy quickly
Because this life is very short. Live and let live.
I think Belle Knox will be okay. I mean she hasn't killed anyone. Has she?????
She is a young woman who is exploring all options which she is quite entitled to. So I say. Fair play to you Belle


milf n' cookies
Beautiful, smart, sexy! She's a winner! :lovecoupl
Everyone should not be surprised that one of the major news stories around the world right now is Belle Knox , who is not afraid of standing up and been counted.
That proves the power of the Internet as a media source and engine that she is very famous now .
Which will come as a massive blow to those who thought that Belle would back down and live as before
The chance of that happening went straight to nil the second she was outted.

And the strange thing is that Belle Knox seems to have turned the tables on her attackers while the individual who outted her awakens to the horror that they have actually done her a huge favour.
damn, I hope when she finishes that study she still will remain as a pornstar... looks like a talent.. very hot. :love-smi: