Republican Hypocrisy

Re: Welfare

The only difference between Demo and GOPer welfare is this;

Demos let you sit around your house all day and wait to collect a g'ment check, GOPers just make you go someplace else, sit around all day and wait to collect a g'ment check.:2 cents:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Scott said that,"studies show that people that are on welfare are higher users of drugs than people not on welfare." The facts are out and only 2 percent of those tested came back with a positive. In the state of Florida, only eight percent use illegal drugs. The reason why this is being done is because welfare recipients are poor.

That is just in FL. If it was required nationwide that number would be a lot higher. It is also not picking on the poor. A lot of jobs require drug testing when first hired and some require periodic testing. There is nothing wrong with have standards for people on welfare. :2 cents:
That is just in FL. If it was required nationwide that number would be a lot higher. It is also not picking on the poor. A lot of jobs require drug testing when first hired and some require periodic testing. There is nothing wrong with have standards for people on welfare. :2 cents:

The only problem with the analogy is if an employer requires a drug test, you may simply choose to not work for the employer. No where to go if you need public assistance.

It still sounds common sense to have people be tested who are asking for public assistance.

However, what if there is the example of a person who is simply an addict trying to pull themselves up and they have nothing?

I don't like the testing only because I imagine many of these people are at their barest edges sometimes and I don't like to see the g'ment adding more disqualifiers because invariably innocent people get run through the ringer and screwed. Who knows what that extra week, month or 6 months mistake might mean to a person, child, etc.
That is just in FL. If it was required nationwide that number would be a lot higher. It is also not picking on the poor. A lot of jobs require drug testing when first hired and some require periodic testing. There is nothing wrong with have standards for people on welfare. :2 cents:

They should only be tested if they are suspected of drug abuse. The whole "small government" thing the Tea Party preaches about is all bullshit. Why aren't they testing everyone who receives government money then? like students who receive grants and scholarships or state contractors. This is just punishing the poor.
Eh, the "drug testing" mantra kind of illustrates our stupidity here.

1. Its a novel idea, but lacks any credible forethought or logistics.

2. Is it really helping anyone? No, not really. Its at its most basic level, its just an authoritarian mandate to bully and harass poor folks (intrusive government). Okay, so what if you do catch someone doing drugs? What then? What did you accomplish? Now, you've made a bad situation worse, right? Are you planning on providing addiction recovery services or something or are you just looking to stick it to some guy who has it worse off than you? That'll learn 'em.....

3. Welfare allows a person to survive. Welfare destroys that which makes a person independent and the 'benefits' one gets from it exist to keep you strung out until the next dispersement (there is no way to acquire capital/wealth). You don't like the system? How about we initiate a well-thought out discussion of reform. Welfare exists primarily because there is no economy for these people to participate in, so they don't fit in to the economic class most of us exist in (they are the throwaways of society).

4. Drug tests aren't cheap. Who is paying for this? The very formula shows there is significantly more overhead than savings. Its idiotic.

5. Follow the money......drug tests aren't cheap. Typically, drug tests (LabCorp / Quest laboratories or some other processing corporation) run from $120 - $200 a pop if you're gonna run a serious panel. There will be one company winning that state contract. This would be a win-fall for any company because its guaranteed profit.

aaaaaand this is how you dopes get duped. Bullshit issues that make you feel self-righteous and stroke your ego, but all the while its just dressing for a corrupt ponzi scheme
All politicians are hypocrites and lie to keep people in the dark... except for a very select few that the media paints as "crazy" (see Ron Paul for instance).

The thing nowadays is that only egomaniac psychopaths would even WANT to run for office... decent people would never subject themselves to what these whores have to do to win an election. :2 cents:
[B][URL=" said:
Jane Burgess[/URL][/B], post: 6010416, member: 201847"]LOL at Deomcrats. They lie just as much, if not more. The Republicans at least admit they have standards and try to uphold them.

Standards that intruse on other peoples personal lives? :elaugh:
Re: Welfare

The only difference between Demo and GOPer welfare is this;

Demos let you sit around your house all day and wait to collect a g'ment check, GOPers just make you go someplace else, sit around all day and wait to collect a g'ment check.:2 cents:

Dems give you a check with a smile. Reps make you move away, cut you off, ignore you and make you someone elses problem.
Eh, the "drug testing" mantra kind of illustrates our stupidity here.

1. Its a novel idea, but lacks any credible forethought or logistics.

2. Is it really helping anyone? No, not really. Its at its most basic level, its just an authoritarian mandate to bully and harass poor folks (intrusive government). Okay, so what if you do catch someone doing drugs? What then? What did you accomplish? Now, you've made a bad situation worse, right? Are you planning on providing addiction recovery services or something or are you just looking to stick it to some guy who has it worse off than you? That'll learn 'em.....

4. Drug tests aren't cheap. Who is paying for this? The very formula shows there is significantly more overhead than savings. Its idiotic.

5. Follow the money......drug tests aren't cheap. Typically, drug tests (LabCorp / Quest laboratories or some other processing corporation) run from $120 - $200 a pop if you're gonna run a serious panel. There will be one company winning that state contract. This would be a win-fall for any company because its guaranteed profit.

Uh...yeah...I guess they thought the testing was free or something... Do-gooders..:facepalm: "Too bad they didn't do good in college.."

I thought GOPers were the ones who were walking, tax money saving calculators.

Florida’s welfare drug testing costs more than it saves

Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s plan to test welfare recipients for drugs is costing the state money, despite his claims that the program would actually save tax dollars.

A WFTV investigation found that out of the 40 recipients tested by Department of Central Florida’s (DCF) region, only two resulted in positive results. And one of those tests is being appealed.

Under the rules of the program, the state must reimburse recipients who receive negative test results. The state paid about $1,140 for the 38 negative tests, while saving less than $240 a month by denying benefits over the two positive tests.
Yes you can live off of welfare. There are generations of families that have been raised on welfare. If you are poor enough to get government aid, then you should not be able to afford illegal drugs.

Section 8 - pays all or a large portion of your rent
Health insurance paid by the state
Food Stamps and cash aid
Cell phone - paid by the government
Electric bill - paid by charity agencies

These are only a few examples.

Then they should force all the wall street douchebags who wrecked this country then took bailout money to be tested for coke.

Puerto Rican Anti-Gay Senator Roberto Arango Busted With Nude Grindr Photos

Re: GOPers trying to uphold standards, it's ironic because this line of thinking is the exact reason GOPers face much different, more intense criticisms for being hypocrites when they are (often times) saying one thing but get caught doing another.

Then...inexplicably comes the confusion by the same GOPers who fall for this claiming that we're using a double standard with GOPers than for Demos.:confused:'re just telling us that GOPers are trying to portray a different standard. Ergo, shouldn't they be held to that standard when the fit hits the shan???:brick:

If the argument is that poor people have to suffer indignity of a drug test to receive food stamps because “you are asking the citizens to help pay your bills, you should have to be clean”, then why wouldn’t you require that of everyone who sucks off the government teet? Like bankers, hedge funders, who got bailouts or every ceo of a company that has a government contract.


I try to pride myself on not being incorrigible or a blind loyalist.

Unlike the man you adore and defend time and time again, Barry Obama, who, when serving in the senate, voted along partisan lines (when he actually showed up :1orglaugh) more often than Jim Demint voted on the right side of issues... go fig'r :dunno:
Unlike the man you adore and defend time and time again,
Consider this, I nor anyone else here would need to defend him if people like Facetious didn't post things like this encouraging the attached response.
Barry Obama, who, when serving in the senate, voted along partisan lines (when he actually showed up :1orglaugh) more often than Jim Demint voted on the right side of issues... go fig'r :dunno:

Just taking your word on his vote (knowing how perilously irresponsible of me that can be) along party lines isn't determinative proof of incorrigibility.

The inability to compromise is. Now based on Obama's recent record of you still consider him incorrigible?

Now watch this Face....there is a clear and obvious correct answer to this question. Now YOUR answer will demonstrate whether YOU'RE 'incorrigible' or not.:o

(Play much chess?)

Recently, potus obama said that it would be terrible and demagogic to close down the government, yet, back in 2006, when the national debt was 1/5 of what it is today, the very same Barack Obama not so surprisingly was a leading dem party advocate for closing down the government. Go fig'r :dunno:

Partisan politics in action, what else would you expect?

First off -- Just because the part I emphasized sounds true to you doesn't make it so in reality. For one thing, why cherry pick a random year from Dubya's second term? Why not 2003? 2008?

Secondly, we've been through this 100 times already. Dubya turned surpluses into deficits and left his 2nd term with an economy that crashed and debt at $10tril....Obama has not racked up $10tril in debt yet. You can't pile on previous administration debt onto Obama. That's unfair and bullshit, really.

Thirdly, the bulk of Obama's spending was meant to turn economy around? Isn't that the correct intention and action by a president facing an economic crisis?

Or should Obama have simply sat in his office, lit a cigar and played XBox all day?

If Obama did nothing and Congress did nothing to address economic collapse, do you really believe our economy would be better off today than it is?

I'll side with every economist in the world and say that our country would be worse off than it is today if the president and Congress did nothing. :dunno:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This is beyond hypocrisy. I think most of you remember the 'Don't retreat, Reload' routine of Palin and the grafix with crosshairs over democrat states.

The Republicans have taken it one step beyond, or arguably more:

Pima County GOP raffles off Glock in Gabrielle Giffords' district

The Pima County Republican Party is raffling off a Glock 23 handgun to raise money for get-out-the-vote efforts in Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Arizona district.

The congresswoman is recovering from being critically wounded in a mass shooting in January that left six people dead and 13 injured, including Giffords. Giffords was holding a "Congress at your corner" event in Tucson when a shooter open fired with a Glock 19.


Maybe Dick Cheney should take them all on a hunting trip.
This is beyond hypocrisy. I think most of you remember the 'Don't retreat, Reload' routine of Palin and the grafix with crosshairs over democrat states.

The Republicans have taken it one step beyond, or arguably more:

Maybe Dick Cheney should take them all on a hunting trip.
Crimony what it wrong with these people. :wtf: :wtf: :eek: :eek:
Could you get any more tasteless. :facepalm:

BTW, for a more apt point of hypocrisy, isn't a glock actually a foreign born gun.
What's wrong with American guns GOP?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Crimony what it wrong with these people. :wtf: :wtf: :eek: :eek:
Could you get any more tasteless. :facepalm:

BTW, for a more apt point of hypocrisy, isn't a glock actually a foreign born gun.
What's wrong with American guns GOP?

Yes, the shooter used a Glock. But not the exact model.

Now THAT would be the cherry on top.

Sick, sick people