REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for ***

On there site CumFiesta, they recently uploaded a movie and was actually a 15 year old missing child! Reality Kings Is In Deep Trouble!
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Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Ut oh!
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

:facepalm: I had opened a thread for her earlier today when she still seemed legit. I deleted it when somebody posted the story there a few hours ago. :o


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

If this is true, whoever runs that site is pretty retarded... :facepalm:
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Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Perhaps she had a convincing fake ID or other papers??

(I actually don't even know who the girl at issue, is, but in any case...)

Just lost a whole lot of respect for that operation...
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

I don't think they should be entirely to blame. They're legitimate, this was probably just a big flub.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Wow, that is not good. They are a major producer.:nono: Apparentlyvthe screening process is not working.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Again, I don't know who the girl is, but... did she LOOK underage?

If so, then they should have been extremely diligent in verifying her actual age.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Facial_King said:
]did she LOOK underage?

Nope! I would have guessed she was 19 or 20 years old. A very pretty light-skinned ebony girl. Plus: She has star tattoos on her neck. In my time and age, 15-year-olds didn't have tats.
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Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Again, I don't know who the girl is, but... did she LOOK underage?

If so, then they should have been extremely diligent in verifying her actual age.

Well, we can't show a pic because that's considered child pornography but, I can tell you she did have a fake ID and if Reality Kings did go to court they would probably win because of fraud.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

That really sucks for them. That's a huge mess up.

Nope! I would have guessed she was 19 or 20 years old. A very pretty light-skinned ebony girl. Plus: She has star tattoos on her neck. In my time and age, 15-year-olds didn't have tats.

Mine either but apparently its not uncommon anymore.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Gosh, that aint no good :( .

Anyone have a link to an official report from someone or something?
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Jebus with Mary on an uncircumcised goat. What a stupid fuck up. If this is true, I've lost all respect for that organization, and their lack of control over their screening process should shut them down.

Major :facepalm:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Lol do they just check I.D.'s and start shooting? What a bunch of amateurs. I'm sure some asshole who knew her personally and worked for the production company pulled some strings for her and set her up with a scene without screening her properly which would have raised the red flag.

That's my theory anyways...
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Lol do they just check I.D.'s and start shooting? What a bunch of amateurs. I'm sure some asshole who knew her personally and worked for the production company pulled some strings for her and set her up with a scene without screening her properly which would have raised the red flag.

That's my theory anyways...

I could see this being what happened and if so they need more than a slap on the wrist.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Where did you get this information? I just ask because this could all just be a rumor.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

This is a highly sensitive issue. As I said, someone posted the police report card with her real name and other personal information in the thread I had created. Said thread was deleted for good reason. I can only advise you guys not to put up her picture on here!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

Jebus with Mary on an uncircumcised goat. What a stupid fuck up. If this is true, I've lost all respect for that organization, and their lack of control over their screening process should shut them down.

Major :facepalm:

How much respect did they have before this? They make porn. It's not like they're curing cancer or stupidity. Not exactly very reputable to begin with...

^^ Here is her picture, you guys decide.

Re: REPORT: Reality Kings Network in trouble for child porngraphy!

this is a highly sensitive issue. As i said, someone posted the police report card with her real name and other personal information in the thread i had created. Said thread was deleted for good reason. I can only advise you guys not to put up her picture on here!

i second that!