No, they gave you that rep because they wanted too. It doesn't require a thank you, it meant they liked your post and thought it deserved rep. Or they just like you so repped you.
Rep is for fun and if I had to rep back every person who repped me as a thank you then it would become a job rather than a game and then we might as well toss it all since it won't be any fun.
rep is given when a post is giving something interesting, positive and something that can help the person or for new links on a babe or something funny. Negative rep is given to trolls, spammers, flamers, irresponsible people and ass clowns.
rep is given when a post is giving something interesting, positive and something that can help the person or for new links on a babe or something funny.
Now mostly, Rep is now given to people just so they can get thousands of rep points for no reason at all other than to collect rep points. Not that anything is wrong with that, but let's not try to re-elevate rep to lofty ideal that it used to be.
Now mostly, Rep is now given to people just so they can get thousands of rep points for no reason at all other than to collect rep points. Not that anything is wrong with that, but let's not try to re-elevate rep to lofty ideal that it used to be.