Jesus was not a Rabbi. He held absolutely no title whatsoever. His followers called him Rabbi and Teacher, but according to the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees, Jesus was a common man with no job or title. He came from common people with no titles, either. Consequently, there is absolutely no reason to insist that he was married. Nor is there any evidence that he was. Also, what you call Orthodox Judaism is not the same form of Judaism as what Christ would have had. Christ was an observant Jew, that much is plain.
Again, in case that was too many words for you, Jesus was not a Rabbi.
Okay, not believing that Jesus will come back and want to meet you is stupid. You are so naive, and how egotistical do you have to be to believe that humans are the highest form of intelligence in the galaxy, and that your life is the climax of existence?
No Christian that I know would ever deny medical treatment because they were going to pray away a disease. You seem to have encountered the very worst of Christians. I guess you must also judge all Muslims by the type that strap bombs to themselves. Just recently in my town there was a man, a very vocal Atheist. He beat one of his own children to death. There are also several very famous cases of murder and serial murder done by Atheists. As you're an Atheist, I can only assume that you would do the same thing. Why are you a murderer? You horrible, horrible person. Don't you push your Atheistic views on others by murdering them.
See? Not terribly productive to be telling people their fundamental beliefs are stupid. I suggest you stop trying to "argue" this point. You've made your views on Christians known. You've attempted to do some research, and come back with incorrect and irrelevant information. You're not looking good here. Just let it go, and relax. People are going to believe what they want to regardless of your ridiculous "I hate the intolerance of Christians, so I'm going to be intolerant of Christians" perspective.
Greatest piece of ownage since the Louisiana Purchase.