Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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Official Checked Star Member
I think most religion is cancer. There are good people who do good in the name of their religion but they're outnumbered by assholes. Even Buddhists(look at Myanmar).


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Trying to make yourself a better person and searching for answers is something we all need to do. If faith and spirituality gets you there then there is nothing wrong with that. It can give you comfort in trying times. A convienient short cut to take away worry so that we may focus on the things we need to do to move forward. It also makes us appriciate what we have and reminds us to give back some of our fortunes to others in need.


Official Checked Star Member
I agree, but isn't it sad that we have to believe in an invisible man to do that? And if it were just about being spiritual and compassionate and finding personal peace then fuck yes, I would have zero problem with it. But....that isn't how it goes. They too often don't live by their beliefs yet try and implement their belief on the rest of us. Look at this board for instance. This very website and its basis is absolutely sinful to its very core, yet here you guys are beating the bible on a fucking PORN SITE!!!! you're here committing how many sins? How many commandments? you are coveting. many are committing adultery here because to lust is to cheat to about 80% of women and about 100% of men.

So if you are christians and you are defending religion WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SPENDING SO MUCH TIME ON A PORN SITE? thats yet another check mark for religious hypocrisy


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Good example. The time I spend here could be better used for other things. My desk needs more organizing and laundry is piling up. That is the price I pay for being here. That is the sin for my indulgences. Having the ability to think and decide is a gift. That is how we learn. Having a book from an invisible man, we can see how others made the same mistakes.


I agree with Mariah, with some clarification (not corrections, just my own perspective):

- Religion is 100% man-made myth
- Religion was invented to control others

I believe that science can explain anything; but this is subject to mankind's ability to discover and learn.

At best, religion takes the place of science to explain the unknown - to pacify. At worst (and becoming more and more prevalent) religion is used as a means of control - to manipulate.

That said, I believe that religion differs significantly from the concept of spirituality. One can, and perhaps should embrace the notion of the existence of a greater power. Yet I believe that spirituality is a personal thing. It may be shared, but never assigned.


Official Checked Star Member
I find it interesting that religious people are so fundamentalist about certain things yet they decide that some things aren't as important like drinking or sex or porn or abortion or birth control or adultery. those they compromise on and then say "the devil made me do it" so they think "oh well, I'll say some hail mary's and a few prayers and all is forgiven" so basically they get to pick and choose which sins to break that are convenient. Did you see the photo of the Orthodox Jew on a plane hermetically sealed in a plastic bag? Well it was to avoid some sort of exposure if flying over a cemetery. I mean WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with people?



religions are just stupid bullshit, that make people crazy and angry about other people
i hate religions! religion is for hypocrits!
i make my own choice i don't need to be approve by a (god)

and like you said god is a murderer, their bible condemns the murder no? (i don't no i've never read that shit) but i suppose
so that is just contradictory

and if god forgive all, why he's make his own son (satan) burning in hell for eternity? that's no sense!
religion is a sociologic phenomenon full of dogmatism, myth's and all abstract philosophy that is used by ruling regimes to opress people.
god exists, and we all pray to him in all our way's. it's just humans are deranged to kill the others who don't pray like them, sad.
i'm considered as muslim, but i stay away from religion, i mean i am trying to be a good human, not good muslim, the mosque isn't doing any humanitarian activities, those who pray 5 times a day think are better than others and become rude and aggressive, and many dirty work goes thru there, sadly.


Official Checked Star Member
I agree Shifty. Look at the people who are the heads of religion. priests molest young boys. Imams have young boys and it is very well known and accepted in the Arabic and middle eastern world. Sodomy is actually normal and many middle eastern men require their wives to wear boyish clothing during sex. this is most common in the Mosques.

The "Fear of God" is used to control and manipulate. The Bible said in Exodus 20: 4-5 “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” A jealous God? How can a God who is holy, just, loving, gracious, merciful, and long-suffering possibly be jealous?

When you break religion down into moments and statements you can see the absolute absurdity of it. There is a reason they go to poorer neighborhoods to try and lure new church members. there is a reason that the poorest countries are the most religious. the weak need something to hope for and there are those who are willing to sell them that hope.

To me religion is the world's greatest ponzi scheme. they sell you a product which does not exist and they have done it for 2 thousand years and will do it until we are dead and gone. Religious groups lobby against science in schools and against science funding. why do you think that is?


Mariah, please tell me what you think of this. It was written by a very wise individual:

... But, it does not stop there for me.

When I die, my atoms will once again begin their journey to everywhere. Some of them will be released as gases - a few even being light enough to escape our atmosphere and float into the nothingness of space. Others, meanwhile, will be broken down by various bacteria and insects - perhaps even a larger predator, but will be broken down nonetheless and used as food stuffs by smaller species. Of course, those smaller species will be consumed by larger species and so on, some being consumed alive, some being consumed dead and so on and so on and so on, until bits and pieces of me are spread all over the world here and there after a couple of billions of years.

Meanwhile, our sun will become a red giant, essentially burning off anything on our planet's surface. Many of those burnt atoms will float off into space, a few others remaining on Earth. Who knows, maybe eventually a few of my atoms will float through space long enough that they join will trillions upon trillions of other atoms, a force large enough to ignite a brand new star (and creating more heavier elements), and perhaps another solar system which can sustain life - maybe even intelligent.

That is part of my religion. And instead of making me feel like the pawn of some supposed supreme being, it makes me literally feel like part of the universe's past, present and future...which makes me feel pretty damned good and enlightened.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Control people? I don't know. I'm still going to go with teachings. They say that you should have 1 mate and to stay with them for the rest of your life. Not a bad idea. Find that one person and build upon that with children. Science is a place to discover and learn but it isn't a tool to teach me how to me how to live my life.


Control people? I don't know. I'm still going to go with teachings. They say that you should have 1 mate and to stay with them for the rest of your life. Not a bad idea. Find that one person and build upon that with children. Science is a place to discover and learn but it isn't a tool to teach me how to me how to live my life.

Well Bob, perhaps I'll tell you how to live your life - if this is something you require.

What's the difference? It's just an opinion.

I'll even write it down for you ...

... for a small contribution.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Don't you think it's a little hypocritical to judge the people, you don't like judging you? Not everyone that has beliefs, or faith, believes that it's black and white. I'm Christian, I believe, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy looking at naked chicks. If it's a sin, I'll face that judgement from the ONE AND ONLY entity that has the right to judge me....and if you want to do things that the hardcore conservatives find appalling, you can face your judgement from the entity you choose to worship...personally, I have to much to do anyway, and I don't have the energy to tell anyone they're wrong. Especially since those of us that live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Well Bob, perhaps I'll tell you how to live your life - if this is something you require.

What's the difference? It's just an opinion.

I'll even write it down for you ...

... for a small contribution.

No need but thanks for the offer. I'll do fine with what I have. If you would have given me that $30 horse on top at The Belmont yesterday then that would be another story.
:facepalm: :rolleyes:

So I call upon you, to provide some evidence that God exists. If you say "where else could we come from?" that does NOT explain the existence of God, rather just a question science has yet to answer.

Oh well. if someone on a fucking PORN WEBSITE FORUM (which isn't exactly smiled upon by religion now is it?)

Isn't your own approach then hypocritical? Based upon your own hate filled tirade and declarations what is it you were hoping to accomplish or find here, aside from just professing your own hatred and self justified beliefs? Otherwise what was/is your point?

Matthew 15:14 … And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

In the two quotes referenced above of yours, you're in essence stating the above scripture, so what is it you were hoping to accomplish or find here at the forum by posting? Other than feeling self justified by your own ramblings of hatred? Seems rather pointless aside from making yourself look like a person filled with such hatred and malcontent? Congrats on that however mission accomplished?


knows petras secret: she farted.
Sorry Squallumz, it isn't SOME it's MOST unfortunately. When nearly half of Christians believe prayer is a valid form of health care that is more than SOME. When churches have a tax exemption status yet profit millions of dollars and preachers become millionaires that is affecting ME as well as every other American. When priests molest and rape young boys and simply get transferred to another parish or are brought to Rome or Ireland and put right back into the church without any punishment at all, that is a fucking travesty. When millions of people die in the name of God that is more than SOME. The Catholic church is the largest holder of commercial real estate in the world. Not just churches, but invested in land and office buildings etc. yet, pay not a single cent in taxes on ANY of it? And they created their own country so they could make up their own laws lol more than Some babe sorry

If Christians kept their opinions and beliefs to themselves it would be an entirely different thing. But they don't. They push their beliefs on to the rest of us. I had people knock on my door 2 Saturdays ago at 9am trying to talk to me about their religion. I now see Christian Singles commercials on television and being Sunday morning I'm sure I could turn on my TV and find a dozen or more reverends in a multi-million dollar church wearing a custom made suit and heavy film makeup asking me for money.

If it were only "Some" it wouldn't be an issue. But it's not "Some" it's "Too fucking many"

there is no hate here. it is frustration and I am sick of the agenda being pushed on people who aren't interested.

and sorry to say, yes you are ALL nuts to believe in an invisible man who knows what everyone thinks and says and does. That is nuts beyond nuts. sorry to say it, but if you saw someone having a conversation with no one else there you would say "Wow what a nut" well guess what dude? "Wow, you're a nut!" :)

no, its some. and figures that you pull and use as your sword of truth are not reliable. these "studies" or "counts" are done with a select group of people and does not reflect an ENTIRE group. it rarely ever does so no, you can't sit there and say that its ever single christian. you may want it to be that way, but you are wrong. again, curious on why so much hate.

another big note: catholicism and chirstianity are two completely different things. so, ill just skip over that one. i am not cathlolic anyway, my dad used to be though. but i do know that they are generally much more "religious" per say. lots of rituals and practices. christianity is a lot more laid back. looking at it as just to the core of being saved without getting into all the ritualistic practices. i read a few verses every day off my phone, i do not attend church because it never appealed to me, i pray when i remember to do so on the way to work or before bed and thank god for the stuff i have. life, my wife, my family, all the good stuff of which i am grateful for and that's it. its easy stuff.

again, sure, some goobers might be knocking on your door, they do that to me too although very very rarely. i hate it too. its usually mormons or JWs. i've never ever seen a simple easy going christian do that. sure, you can throw the blanket term of christian over the JWs and the mormons too if you wanted, but, its important to know that these are all very very very very different faiths.

and yes, theres one of your wakkos on TV. i remember that lady with the crazy ass make up from when i had tv. and trust me, there is a shit load of christians who can't stand the woman, including me. shes gives a bad name to the max. but, this shit happens. she and hers do not practive the christianity i do, and a lot of people i know are the same. thats just one type of twist on it. its kind of a denomination i think you could say. i dont do that stuff, and actually really don't like what they do. its a question of money and they got money, and they got on TV. not much i can do about that but choose not to watch it, and i dont. just like i choose not the bother with the JW people and the mormons too. its pretty easy to do. live and let live.

so yes, you got some twisted opinion on EVERY SINGLE person who believes that christ existed. that's called prejudice. judging every person as a whole unit. its crazy to spend so much time fighting over something you don't believe in. thats what i never got about atheism. congratulations, because atheism is a religion when you fight against religion with a belief set for you basis. that IS religion.

lucky for you, you are going to have quite a few backers in this particular site because of the material. but, trust me, there are plenty of people who are believers who dabble in the adult, and every other sin. biblically, that's expected, and biblically, thats OK. nobody is perfect and thats what's great about true christianity at its very core. being saved under grace, not law. that was the point of jesus. so, you're attempt to bash anyone who steps up here on the fact that this is an adult site is not going to matter much. i need this place to make money, its something i have to do (just like you make your living with adult and thats totally cool with me as i actually help you make your living), but, i think there's a reason it works out and its opportunities like this that i get to step up and make myself known that i may not be a model christian, but i am saved.

romans 10:9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

its easy stuff. so yeah, lets try and be a little more open minded. especially since you've decided on prejudice.

its fine not to believe in it, really. we all make our choices, but again, tact.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well this thread blew up nicely and is a good example of why I think this is all a waste of time. Thirty eight pages and both sides have come up with nothing but rhetoric.

Why can't everyone just agree to put questions concerning life/existence on the backburner for a few hundred years? I find it incredibly human-centric and obnoxious that we as a species think that we have the capacity to understand or comprehend the answers to questions like that: our scientific knowledge is in its infant stage and religious answers are too vague, so it is meaningless. Instead of having dick measuring contests like this on porn forums, why don't we all do something productive? I have crayons; if someone can get some paper we can all draw. It'll be fun.

Apatheists - we're better than you, and we know it.
Mariahxxx, I choose to believe and I try to live a Christian lifestyle. I won't ridicule you for your belief that religion is phony. You on the other hand however, seem to take exception to those who find some solace in Christianity or any other faith based religion.

I can only see this topic of yours as being nothing more than a bitch-fest, with back and forth tirades between believers and non believers. Why not let this one go and find something more positive to talk about? I mean, isn't that the whole premise of the freedom to believe what you want?

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