Religion, Science, Aliens, Chickens, and etc


How does something start from nothing? Am I insane for not understanding that the fact that something had to start from absolutely nothing? No matter what your views are you got to wonder what even happened before the big bang, god, aliens, or the old "chicken or egg" question?

How does a human go about even believing something like this? I'm religious and I love science, but I can't fathom how it even started. People are lunatics when they seem so right about something they can't even grasp logically.

How does something create itself from nothing? I think if you could do this you'd have amazing powers, but how did you create those amazing powers when it started out as nothing? How the fuck are we here and it just feels like an illusion to me at times.

What happened before the big bang?
How did god create himself?
Did aliens create humans?
Did the chicken or the egg come first?

Who created it all though? How is it even possible? I have thought about this question for years and go in and out of it all the time. I just don't understand it.

Science says something can't start from nothing. Is science flawed if this is true?

Will E Worm

God is the Creator of everything. So, it didn't happen from nothing.

Atheism and evolution...

Order out of chaos is not possible.


God is the Creator of everything. So, it didn't happen from nothing.
Is God ''man'' though ?

Re: Science
Star gazing while laying on a chase lounge helps . . .

If * <- this star is 2,009,654,543 miles away, and you had a switch here on earth that could immediately snuff it out, how long would it take to see the effect of your undertaking ?
Theoretically speaking, isn't that amazing how light travels through space and time even when it's original source may no longer exist ?

This keeps me up at night ....:p
Have you ever read a book on big bang cosmology? Judging by your "questions" here the obvious answer is no. Now, I would advise you to do that before you expect any sort of 2 line explanation of such complex questions. There are plenty of popular science books written by experts in the field that deal with this exact subject as well as the evolution of the universe that are geared towards those who don't have a background in science - read at least one of those (or as many as you can) first because the assumptions you are making here aren't what are recognised by the scientific community and do take far longer to explain properly than what little space we have here.
Have you ever read a book on big bang cosmology? Judging by your "questions" here the obvious answer is no. Now, I would advise you to do that before you expect any sort of 2 line explanation of such complex questions. There are plenty of popular science books written by experts in the field that deal with this exact subject as well as the evolution of the universe that are geared towards those who don't have a background in science - read at least one of those (or as many as you can) first because the assumptions you are making here aren't what are recognised by the scientific community and do take far longer to explain properly than what little space we have here.

^^ Nah, it's easier to just let Will E's ignorance explain everything.

:flame: :tongue:


Have you ever read a book on big bang cosmology? Judging by your "questions" here the obvious answer is no. Now, I would advise you to do that before you expect any sort of 2 line explanation of such complex questions. There are plenty of popular science books written by experts in the field that deal with this exact subject as well as the evolution of the universe that are geared towards those who don't have a background in science - read at least one of those (or as many as you can) first because the assumptions you are making here aren't what are recognised by the scientific community and do take far longer to explain properly than what little space we have here.

I'm trying to go before the big bang theory. I know it's a "theory", but there isn't much before it and they say there was always something.
^^ Nah, it's easier to just let Will E's ignorance explain everything.

Of course that is a possibility. But you would hope this individual would want to keep his mind open and not shut the world off because it disagrees with him like Will does.

Time will tell I suppose.

I'm trying to go before the big bang theory. I know it's a "theory", but there isn't much before it and they say there was always something.

Current understanding is that you do not think of a time "before" the big bang, because there was no time in which "before" could take place.


Of course that is a possibility. But you would hope this individual would want to keep his mind open and not shut the world off because it disagrees with him like Will does.

Time will tell I suppose.

Current understanding is that you do not think of a time "before" the big bang, because there was no time in which "before" could take place.

In science there was. The space was filled with particles from the start according to science.
God is the Creator of everything. So, it didn't happen from nothing.

Atheism and evolution...

Order out of chaos is not possible.
So he created himself, cool!
But you admit there was something before then, called Chaos which was turned into order.
& your definition of Atheism shows the issue with religions basic idea, they think there has to be a reason. Religion is a way of defining that reason. I am quite comfortable with the idea of there being no reason for anything, its just a bunch of stuff that happens
In science there was. The space was filled with particles from the start according to science.

The place outside of space was filled with particles?

Are we going down the road of membrane's, string and m-theory here? Where are you getting this information?


I read a theory once, which I think is kinda cool.

So, the Big Bang went off a few gazillion years ago. As the explosion happened, as all explosions do, the shock wave expanded in an ever growing sphere. Well, the theory says that the shock front is still expanding, even as we speak. On and on it goes. But, one day, far into the future, the shock wave will finally run out of gas and stop. Then it will start rolling in, the same way it rolled out. As it rolls back in, it will pick up all the things it created on the way out. All the galaxies, solar systems, everything will be rolled back into this "reverse" shock wave which created them in the first place. Eventually, this shock wave will come in on itself until it is the size of a marble then, WHAMMO!!! another Big Bang will occur and the whole process will repeat itself, just like it repeated itself before "our" Big Bang occured.

Maybe true, maybe not.
I read a theory once, which I think is kinda cool.

So, the Big Bang went off a few gazillion years ago. As the explosion happened, as all explosions do, the shock wave expanded in an ever growing sphere. Well, the theory says that the shock front is still expanding, even as we speak. On and on it goes. But, one day, far into the future, the shock wave will finally run out of gas and stop. Then it will start rolling in, the same way it rolled out. As it rolls back in, it will pick up all the things it created on the way out. All the galaxies, solar systems, everything will be rolled back into this "reverse" shock wave which created them in the first place. Eventually, this shock wave will come in on itself until it is the size of a marble then, WHAMMO!!! another Big Bang will occur and the whole process will repeat itself, just like it repeated itself before "our" Big Bang occured.

Maybe true, maybe not.

the elastic universe theory has since been replaced - big bang to big crunch.
current observations show universal expansion increases the bigger it gets.
Another theory is the Universe will expand to the point where the matter freezes and the universe goes cold and black.
I find both theories inadequate to discoveries in quantum physics and string/super string theory.
I think String theory is on the right path with dimensional membranes colliding and forming the universe.
However being dimensions outside the reach of experience or understanding – trying to understand the nature of that dimensions or collisions can only be abstract or allegorical.
Hinduism has quiet a few myths about the nature of the universe that seem to me a pretty good concept of how the universe might work.
I believe in a pulsating Universe (not Multiverse) and that it expands into its self.
I think of thermodynamics that says a perpetual motion machine could not exist as it would get faster the longer it was in motion, which appears the universal expansion is doing.
So I think it has always been here – its always in a state of perpetual change and flux.


Order cannot exist without Chaos
Chaos is born from Order
There is only the force!
The answer to the question, "Why does existence exist?" might be something that in it's essence is so unfathomable that the human mind will never be able to grasp it, and that's from both religious and scientific perspectives. It might very well be the ultimate question that can be asked in reality. It's hard to think of why there is something instead of nothing.
The answer to the question, "Why does existence exist?" might be something that in it's essence is so unfathomable that the human mind will never be able to grasp it, and that's from both religious and scientific perspectives. It might very well be the ultimate question that can be asked in reality. It's hard to think of why there is something instead of nothing.
I refer you again to my learned friend Slartibartfast ". . .I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, 'Hang the sense of it,' and keep yourself busy."