i was just wondering who are our resident pornstars that visit tha board regulary?
i know we have Terri Summers n carmen
who is else ? gotta be a few more about
i know we have Terri Summers n carmen
who is else ? gotta be a few more about
QBall1970 said:dunno. they're the only ones I've seen post thus far. Anybody else seen any other porstar posts?
harold said:Jesse Capelli posts here sometimes and so does bobbi eden. but i have not seen a post from them in a while.
QBall1970 said:Wish she would post!! I think Jessie Capelli is just about the cutest and sexiest thing on the 'Net. I'd give anything to just... well, I was gonna say something polite, but what the fuck... hell, I'd give anything to go down on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer said:ur wish is my command *summer enters dressed as Jessie Capelli* :boobies:
who am i kiddin lol
u never know she may post soon enuff for ya :glugglug:
harold said:this is a post of hers from not long back. it hot. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=17997&highlight=jesse+capelli
power me up if you like it!
Summer said:she certainly is, we need a pornstar mod, lol sort out tha spammers :condom: