Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

if the cops lied about having a warrant for her arrest and only said that for the sole intentions of gang banging her, then I agree that what they did was coercion and rape and should be punished accordingly.

if she legit committed a crime and the cops actually DID have a warrant for her arrest, then she had every option not to fuck them and take her punishment for the crime she committed, and her fucking them is NOT coercion nor rape.

That makes zero sense. The issue of rape is one of consent. In the first scenario, the victim does not know the cops are lying about their warrant. In both scenarios the victim's situation is identical - she is coerced into fucking someone she doesn't want to under the threat of arrest. That's rape.

The argument is akin to an argument against the arrests which have just started against people attempting to extort money from their ex-partners to avoid them releasing naked/sexual photographs or videos onto the net ("revenge porn"). You could say that "No, the victim made the choice to pay the money instead of just accepting that their junk was going all over the web." Yes, they made the choice. A choice they were coerced into. That's called blackmail. When the choice you're blackmailed into results in sex you're coerced into, that's called rape.

This isn't a matter of opinion, it's law. Absence of objection does not equal consent. Duress/forcible compulsion by the perpetrator. Fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority. A physical invasion of a sexual nature committed on a person under circumstances which are coercive. The circumstances under which a victim is said to have "consented" matters, and reforms to rape laws in the UK, United States, Australia and other countries within the last 20 years have recognized that consent given under duress/coercion/blackmail, cannot be deemed consent.

Ergo, the word for what acenionX described, is rape.
And yet you still fail to bring up the issue that she STILL had every right NOT to fuck the cops. She should have went to jail and accepted her punishment. But keep on making excuses for her choice to try to avoid jail time.

Your argument for revenge porn is null because in those cases, the girls did not give consent to have their pictures or videos posted on the internet. In that case, yes their situation is coercion and people that try extort money from their ex-partners should be punished accordingly.

"Fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority."

In the case where a boss says to an employee, 'fuck me or lose your job,' absolutely. But that does NOT apply to this case because again as I've stated, she had every right to just say NO I'D RATHER GO TO JAIL. Like acenionx said, she actually committed the crime. When the cops came to arrest her, her freedom was no longer hers.
What part of "consent under blackmail is not consent" is unclear? The cop created a situation where the victim consented to sex due to fear of the consequences of NOT consenting. However you want to dress it up as a "choice", it's still blackmail, thus by law, it's rape. It's legal definitions you're arguing with, not just me.

Let's see if this works -

Does the cashier make the CHOICE to give the man with the shotgun the money from the bank vault? Is this something she CHOSE to do of her own volition? No, she did it out of preference to or fear of the CONSEQUENCES she was being THREATENED by - i.e. the man with the shotgun was going to shoot her - so to avoid this, she allowed herself to be COERCED into giving him the money. We call this crime ARMED ROBBERY. We don't say that the cashier made a CHOICE.

Does the girl make the CHOICE to let the police officer fuck her? Is this something she CHOSE to do of her own volition? No, she did it out of preference to or fear of the CONSEQUENCES she was being THREATENED by - i.e. the police officer was going to arrest her - so to avoid this, she allowed herself to be COERCED into letting him fuck her. We call this crime RAPE. We don't say that the girl made a CHOICE.

Like acenionx said, she actually committed the crime. When the cops came to arrest her, her freedom was no longer hers.

Whether she actually committed a crime or not is wholly irrelevant, as last I checked, police officers are not given the authority to rape in lieu of an arrest, or offer rape as an alternate to jail. The circumstances surrounding the crime she did/did not do or the officer having/not having the warrant in question only pertain to his right to arrest or not arrest her. It does not give him right to blackmail her into sex, i.e. rape her.

I've said all I can say on the issue without risking saying something I later regret.
She was a fucking criminal. She was going to be arrested, ANYWAY. She was going to jail, ANYWAY.

Please explain me to me what would happen if she did not agree to have sex with them.

/end argument.
She was a fucking criminal. She was going to be arrested, ANYWAY. She was going to jail, ANYWAY.

And? This makes it sound like you're almost saying she deserved it. Perpetrating one crime does make her less a victim of another crime, or justify it. That the consequences she was seeking to avoid were likely, doesn't mean he hasn't raped her. I don't understand, if you understand the concept of blackmail, which you're clearly intelligent enough to, how "if you don't have sex with me, I'm going to arrest you" is not blackmail, thus coercion, thus rape.

Please explain me to me what would happen if she did not agree to have sex with them.

How is this relevant? If she refuses and they have a warrant, maybe they arrest her. If they don't, they don't. Neither scenario which didn't end up playing out has any bearing on the rape that DID play out.

I've said all I can say on the issue without risking saying something I later regret.

.... well, it needs saying, whether I regret it or not. You're a rape apologist. A man used his position/coercion to blackmail a woman into consent, and you're making up excuses for it or implying it isn't rape, when legally speaking, it is.

/end argument.

This, I agree on. We're done.
.... well, it needs saying, whether I regret it or not. You're a rape apologist.

And if I'm a rape apologist, you're a simp that kowtows to women and believes they can do no wrong and shouldn't be accountable for their actions.
Holy fucking shit... the amount of bullshit in this post makes my fucking blood itch.

You have your head so far up the gaping ass of feminist propaganda, it would be hilarious if it weren't ridiculously sad. Demonizing all men as rapists? Really? I like how you didn't try to talk about female rapists and sexual predators. Of course you wouldn't because female sex offenders don't fit in with your narrative. People like you pushing this narrative that all men are rapists are the reason why more and more men are just fed up with dating and have decided to walk away from women entirely. You're like one of those shit spewing women that believe that if a woman has sex while she's drunk is a rape victim but if a man has sex while he's drunk he's a rapist.

"the VERY small % of cases where women use rape as a weapon... anyone who defends rapists and dismisses rape as just something women make up to get revenge should be punched in the fucking face because YOU are as much of the problem as the rapists are."

The TRUTH is, you don't know how small of a percentage that number really is, because NO ONE knows. There are only two things that can be said with certainty about it: the amount of women that lie about being raped is a big enough number to where it is considered a problem and because women face no real consequence have no reason to ever really stop, and most times than not, the men that are victims of these rape accusations get their lives ruined and sometimes to the point of no return, such as the case where a woman lied about her college boyfriend raping her, causing him to get kicked out of school, losing his chance to play professional football and paying her a large sum of money. Of course she admitted she lied about the whole thing 6-7 years later but his life was already fucked up and on top of that, she didn't even go to jail or even have to pay back the money she fucking STOLE from him.

Dude, why the fuck do you hate your own gender so much? Or do you just believe that if you regurgitate this shit enough, you'll get a woman to finally to sleep with you? Stop worshiping pussy man. It's not worth it.

liberallover is petraismyqueen aka retired pornstar Mariah Milano
You know how many girls flash boobs o get out of tickets. I'm sorry lots of females would be extremely happy to fuck a cop and get out of jail free card.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Wow. There is a lot of defending the indefensible going on here. A uniformed cop fucking on duty, consensual or not, is a disgrace to his oath and uniform. Using his office to coerce a sexual dalliance is a crime regardless of how you feel about it. And again there should be stiffer penalties for those who make false allegations against those honest cops.
Oh i agree he should have lost his job and he did. I just thought he abused his power and should be penalized from that. i dont think he traumatized any of his "victimizes" No defense for him whatsoever.

Rape is a very serious issue to me personally, and I find it completely useless since. Millions of women fucking of free, why rape a kid. he ruined the lives of 3 children for absolutely nothing. he deserves to be killed for what he did.

Are you going to argue that the majority of rapists aren't men????????????? REALLY????????????? Have you ever read ANYTHING of the hundreds of posts I've made about sexual predators in the past?????????

Dude you are either mentally deficient or you have dyslexia or something. I NEVER said all men are rapists. Why would I do that???????????

Rape- making someone to have sex thru physical or psychological violence.
What people have misunderstanding in U.S. about Rape is, that it's not rape when a girl has sex with a guy, on her will, and later she claims to be raped without evidence, like no physical or psychological violence, I think this is turning most men there to become victims and be afraid of women.
I think and support rape victims, talking of females, who get pregnant after it to have the right of choice wether to keep the baby or not, but in case they don't want it, they should abort it during the 1st month of pregnancy, because I think it's more human act like that.
Also of course the psychological treatment of rape victims should be regularly checked for their improvements, which would include in my opinion a hard but tough solution of getting over it for both, having a meet of the rapsit with the victim in controlled conditions, where they could talk, and realise what the rapist did. Regreting is the best thing to happen and assuring the victim that she will never be injured again personally from her rapist would be a tough but good thing i think. But this doesn't mean i support softening penalties for rapists, they should get what they deserve in jail. but keep one thing in mind: not always the man is the rapist and the woman the victim, and races, get those things out of your mind.
You would want a woman to have to meet with the rapist and talk?????????????????? WTF??????????????????? How about they meet and she gets to hold him down and beat him and rape him with a plunger? That is agreeable.

I think it's pretty sickening how many of you there are that don't just say "Fuck yes rape is terrible and rapists should be punished harshly" But instead you make excuses and justifications and blame dishonest women who abuse the system.

And what I REALLY find offensive is how many of you defended the catholic church about their epidemic of child rape/molestation by saying "its only a few cases" or some version of that defense yet you want to make rape excusable or irrelevant because of a few cases of abuse of the law. Fucking hypocrites. I sure hope you or someone you love aren't raped. You'd have an entirely new respect for how savage and devastating that crime is.

Your defense also says a lot about why you're on a porn website rather than the real world.
You would want a woman to have to meet with the rapist and talk?????????????????? WTF??????????????????? How about they meet and she gets to hold him down and beat him and rape him with a plunger? That is agreeable.

I think it's pretty sickening how many of you there are that don't just say "Fuck yes rape is terrible and rapists should be punished harshly" But instead you make excuses and justifications and blame dishonest women who abuse the system.

And what I REALLY find offensive is how many of you defended the catholic church about their epidemic of child rape/molestation by saying "its only a few cases" or some version of that defense yet you want to make rape excusable or irrelevant because of a few cases of abuse of the law. Fucking hypocrites. I sure hope you or someone you love aren't raped. You'd have an entirely new respect for how savage and devastating that crime is.

Your defense also says a lot about why you're on a porn website rather than the real world.

did you read entire what i wrote? i don't stand for the rapists at all, i just gave an idea, it's hard thing to do yes, but my aim was psychologically to release the victim from the fear, better let's take a hard step once and be better than have an entire hard life. You seem to be an ignorant fool, who instead of helping would whine all the time. I know it's not easy but better take a hard step once.
And yeah, no mercy for child molesters, If ever catch a child molester, just shoot him, prisons are too soft for those animals.


Official Checked Star Member
That fact that you have been raped is irrelevant, although i feel for you.
Rape is shit and rapists should rot in jail. I haven't seen anybody on this thread disagreeing with this. Once we have established this, though, could you enlighten us on your position over men unjustly paying for false rape claims? Are there women over there stating that if they fucked under the influence (and not being forced to take drugs or alcohol) they have been raped, yes or not? Is this, if yes, a despicable thing that should be punished equally hard yes or not? Or is it a necessary evil to have some innocent men ruined and in jail because of cunts exploiting the rape card? Would you be so kind for once to answer clearly with a yes or a no, without your usual flight of fancy style, Mariah?