Holy fucking shit... the amount of bullshit in this post makes my fucking blood itch.
You have your head so far up the gaping ass of feminist propaganda, it would be hilarious if it weren't ridiculously sad. Demonizing all men as rapists? Really? I like how you didn't try to talk about female rapists and sexual predators. Of course you wouldn't because female sex offenders don't fit in with your narrative. People like you pushing this narrative that all men are rapists are the reason why more and more men are just fed up with dating and have decided to walk away from women entirely. You're like one of those shit spewing women that believe that if a woman has sex while she's drunk is a rape victim but if a man has sex while he's drunk he's a rapist.
"the VERY small % of cases where women use rape as a weapon... anyone who defends rapists and dismisses rape as just something women make up to get revenge should be punched in the fucking face because YOU are as much of the problem as the rapists are."
The TRUTH is, you don't know how small of a percentage that number really is, because NO ONE knows. There are only two things that can be said with certainty about it: the amount of women that lie about being raped is a big enough number to where it is considered a problem and because women face no real consequence have no reason to ever really stop, and most times than not, the men that are victims of these rape accusations get their lives ruined and sometimes to the point of no return, such as the case where a woman lied about her college boyfriend raping her, causing him to get kicked out of school, losing his chance to play professional football and paying her a large sum of money. Of course she admitted she lied about the whole thing 6-7 years later but his life was already fucked up and on top of that, she didn't even go to jail or even have to pay back the money she fucking STOLE from him.
Dude, why the fuck do you hate your own gender so much? Or do you just believe that if you regurgitate this shit enough, you'll get a woman to finally to sleep with you? Stop worshiping pussy man. It's not worth it.