Recurring dream themes..?


Hiliary 2020
being chased, sometimes all over the place for hours, encountering different people along the way.
sometimes being chased by the law, like a huge manhunt, gotta sneak around and be slick.
my dreams are like movies, sometimes i swear i'm having the same one for hours.
wake up with adrenilyne pumpin.
sometimes i die in my dreams and sometimes i kill people, while being chased,

i always wondered, in dreams when you see a face of a stranger, is it maybe someone youve seen in your lifetime? a composite of different people or can we just create new faces in our brains?

sometimes i dream of a girl, she's perfect and the dream is me and her in some magic place and we are in love and everything is perfect and beautiful.
kind of like spock and jill ireland in that episode of star trek wwith the spores.

then i wake up and realize she doesnt exist and i become sad.