Recommend me some rock/metal instrumentals

"Frankenstien" -- Edgar Winter Band
"Interstellar Overdrive" -- Pink Floyd
"Any Colour You Like" -- Pink Floyd
pretty much any song Jeff Beck has played


Closed Account
I'm collecting some great stuff here, guys. Keep 'em coming.

Ravenholm, I'll rep you again when I spread some around.


Lord Dipstick


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I have 2 recommendations, both by Nightwish: Moondance and Last of the Wilds. :banger:

Also on the latest Nightwish CD Dark Passion Play the second CD is entirely instrumental. I think this might be the special edition of the album though.


Metallica - Orion is my favourite instrumental.

Most Kyuss albums have great instrumentals too.
pelican was good now is bad heard now that they are on southern lord they are heavier best song by them is drought. earth is always good. electro quarterstaff is good too.a UK band Diagonal is good shit too they have a real floyd sound to them. red sparrows the album a soundless dawn didnt check out any thing after it. lightning bolt fucking rules but its "noise" music bass player and a epic drumer.


Lord Dipstick
The instrumental on the new Metallica album, Suicide And Rdemption is killer too! :thumbsup:
Try bands like Canvas Solaris or Continuo Renacer. They play good instrumental metal with lots of fusion influences ;)


check out Russian Circles. Another great instrumental band.

Saw them live couple of years ago, they were pretty good, but never really thought about listening to them again.
And try out listening to Moby Dick by Led Zeppelin I'm pretty sure its entirely instrumental plus a long drum solo!