Re: The Asian/East Indian dude pornstar thread... "will we ever get one" lol.


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Re: The Asian/East Indian dude pornstar thread... "will we ever get one" lol.


You won't see many Indian guys for the same reason why you don't see many Asian guys. It's a socioecomic thing. As much as people love porn privately, there's still a huge negative stigma. Guys with more options aren't going to do it. The White and Black population are large enough that there will be enough shameless guys who will participate. But if you ever find out about them, a lot of them had serious prior convictions, drug habits, failed actors (in the 1970s-1990s period) or other shady backgrounds.

There aren't too many guys from middle class backgrounds going to delve into porn when that may very well mean throwing away much more lucrative career opportunities.

If anything I see some random British Indian or a skinny Indian pornhound coming over with a student visa and just saying "screw it, I'll do some porn!" but you aren't going to see many Indian-American guys doing it.

Remember, the only Asian guy to make it in mainstream porn porn is European and a huge percentage of the White guys in mainstream porn are from Europe or South America. So even with a population of 200 million, you won't find that many guys willing to do it.

this is the funniest thing I read this weekend, even funnier than my latest death threats. here you've got the assumption that asians/indians all have money and are from elitest families/cultures/communities. man. i cant tell you how many broke ass, lazy, shiftless asian and indian dudes I know. I even had a korean roommate a few months ago and that ***** sat in front of the tv for 19hrs straight a day. everything i hear about this "good at math" shit for asians and indians it cracks me up. they are just working the stereotype, and I applaud them for doing well at that. but if you ever have to live with/amongst them you will quickly realize how fragile and volatile their family lives are and how much internal strife is in their communities, that they carefully keep behind closed doors. that seemingly meek/quiet asian girl who works as your bank teller is cussing out her mama and 6 brothers at home, their house smells like fish stock 24/7, and at any given time there is 12-15 sleepyhead siblings and 3-5 undocumented aunties just laying on the floor randomly throughout their 1 bedroom apartment. i am not making this shit up, and they talk LOUD as a motherfucker too... they aint all quiet. same goes for east indians, the only difference is their homes tend to be a bit cleaner but the tradeoff is they stank cooking eminates throughout your clothing fibers for days once you leave their place

now as for the porn actor thing about black/white dudes being convicts, drug addicts, etc. without options etc... dude you dont know too many porn guys or the lives they lead. most, like me, are fucking NERDS. computer nerds. el33t. we just so happen to not give 2 shits about what people think, and enjoy fucking hot chicks bareback. its a good way to spend the weekend, and re-up the money spent on the chica by selling the footage. there are very few guys who are "talent only" because you cant make a decent living earning 100-200 bucks per week (if you are lucky to get booked that often hah!) so for the most part guys run their own sites and are funding the majority of videos you guys watch. who do you think is paying the female talent by the way? usually its the dude fucking her, right out of his own pocket. I would say now that POV scenes make up at least 70% of the porn out there on the web. hope that clears some things up :hatsoff:


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: The Asian/East Indian dude pornstar thread... "will we ever get one" lol.

oh this thread?

yeah. weird. i still think my response was the best:

"ill tell you what. next time im on line for some technical support, ill ask the nice fellow on the other line if he fancies white girls. "


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: The Asian/East Indian dude pornstar thread... "will we ever get one" lol.

oh, and btw. your use of "el33t" was close.

its actually 3|337. ;)


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: The Asian/East Indian dude pornstar thread... "will we ever get one" lol.

touche` :bowdown:

haha, no. i dont think its a good thing ;) i used to have lots more time on my hands. boy do i miss the windows 98 days. it was a hackers paradise.