Avoiding weight and pressure ...
Makes a womans chest bone hurt. Just saying.

Not for my lovers. Seriously.
I have rarely done the "standard, forward" facing mammary intercourse "from atop."
The combination of straddling her ribcage combined with my weight atop is not ideal for her.
I not only learned that early on but, because I prefer wider/fuller lovers, her chest was often too wide for my comfort anyway.
I have, from virtually day 1, prefer the "sitting up" (her hanging) as well as "from underneath" (her on all fours) position.
This completely removes the pressure from both straddling her sides as well as my weight.
Another option, especially in a car, chair or corner couch, is her sitting up, and you on your knees or crouched up against her (although she should hang a lot for this).
I also preferred the little known/practiced (AFAICT) "reverse" facing position atop.
This is where I stand while she is elevated, my thighs up against her shoulders, and I "freely pump" her facing down towards her vagina.
If I'm not standing, I'm on my knees leaning forward, which are still above her shoulders (not straddling her), and pumping down.
Lastly, even if I "get atop" with my weight, I find it much easier to hover atop, keeping weight off her chest.
Virtually all of my lovers have breasts large enough that they "mound well" anyway, so I'm not completely up against the breastbone.
Either that, or I am putting the weight on my legs/knees in all my positions, which is easy to do atop in anything but the "traditional, forward" facing position.
I've always been afraid that I'd never get a girl that had the right boob size for this or heaven forbid not be into it even though her boobs were perfect for it.
I'm screwed then...
You have to have a lover who is into it.
The best way to start is either with her sitting straight up (no pressure) or on her knees while you're on a chair or couch.
Another way, especially if she likes cowgirl, is for her to be on all fours and hang them over and around your member.
That is also good for making them as usable as a full cup size (or even two) bigger, as they hang, not mound (if she was on her back) or sag straight down (if she was sitting up or on her knees only).
Just have her hang over, with your cock in the middle, and you either use your hands to push them together, or (if she can balance on one hand) use her arm across to keep them together around your cock.
She has to be into it though, but the results are great for both you and her if she is.
Never was that big into tit-fucking, though I've done it a number of times. Of course, it is much better when done on a woman who is well-endowed, so that would often determine whether I tried it or not with a particular partner. I tend to see it more as a type of foreplay than actually using it as a means to achieve orgasm.
It was my "safe sex" before marriage, at least for achieving my own orgasm.
My wife and I did it heavily before marriage, and we have varied during our marriage.
It's currently dominating our love making right now (I'll detail the latest in another post).
It's nice to see that, for all the Implant haters around here, that fucking titties is something most people generally like.
Prof, you make interesting topics for threads, for the most part. They are popular threads too. Perhaps you should "clean up" the writing maybe? Less Passive writing, more active writing? Complex sentence structure does not a writer make.
I do use passive writing far too much, due to the encouragement of some former teachers.
I also use complex sentence structure, often to detriment, and I apologize for that.
But try as I might, I am unable to change.