Random YouTube Stuff

Just thought I'd start this for people to post random interesting vids that they find on YouTube.

A few for starters:
Wintergattan Marble Machine..

New Order's 'Blue Monday'.. vintage style..

Darth L. Jackson

Fancy a spot of fishing?..

Idiot jumps into Cactus bush.. OUCH!

The Shining - with Half-Life SFX

Ex-Hacker Kevin Mitnick's 'The Art of Invisibility'

Well worth listening to, if you're interested in your online/mobile security.

Football (soccer) commentaries - Cartoonized!

90mph Sofa/Couch


For the EMPEROR!!
Astartes - Part Five. It finally came out. Still can't get over that it's just one guy that does these.

An old but very funny thing.
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