Random Statement Thread II

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Oh hey we're all telling our #1's here? Oh that's not Magdalena for me! I'm just greedy! :o

Btw we're not comparing girls like this, Bonnzey! :nono: You can say she's hotter in your opinion. But she's not worth more than another girl! :)
Kimmy is my Queen.
If the sky was falling wouldn't it be better to run to the valleys since they would be the last place to get hit? :tongue:

It's from a movie i just can't remember which one. your probably right though but do we need to get all smart in the random statement thread.
Your join date is under statistics - general information in your profile.
Which would mean 5 years + 1 day, from August 13th :party:

I wasn't far off considering I was just making a semi-guess.

I knew it was probably somewhere on my profile, but most pages on the Internet load up so slow for me I try to not go through a lot of them if I can help it. Even the ones I visit I tend to rarely get them loaded up fully before I click something to go somewhere else.
There is only two uses for the word semi and you didn't use either acceptable options D-rock.

Yeah, I know. If it helps I'm tired not to mention hot, and didn't want to think of something more appropriate. :tongue: It wasn't a complete guess because I knew it was somewhere in the middle of the month, but I didn't know exactly what what date it was.