Vettori out on 99, heartbreaking :weeping:
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Nov 25, 2009 #14,902 @D-rock I might have to reduce the width to accommodate the size rule. Though that results making the pic smaller! -cs™
@D-rock I might have to reduce the width to accommodate the size rule. Though that results making the pic smaller! -cs™
Artimus Nov 25, 2009 #14,907 Hey L3golas. You're a real early-riser nowadays. Or is it late-sleeper? ~whim~ :hatsoff:
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Nov 25, 2009 #14,909 It's leaning more towards a late-sleeper, trying to get my sleeping rythm to normal.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Nov 25, 2009 #14,911 Nah not gonna make a new one, gonna reuse the one I made last year! -cs™
~~whimsy~~ Nov 25, 2009 #14,913 Howdy precious moderator few posts above me! Ah, it is coming to that time of the year again! I am excited to unveil my Christmas Kimmy Sig next week. :hatsoff:
Howdy precious moderator few posts above me! Ah, it is coming to that time of the year again! I am excited to unveil my Christmas Kimmy Sig next week. :hatsoff:
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Nov 25, 2009 #14,914 I believe I shall ask HeartyBee to make me a Christmassy sig, if he the time.
~~whimsy~~ Nov 25, 2009 #14,917 Yay! With that said I shall bid you all a good night/good day and I am off to whimsical sleep land~~~~~
Yay! With that said I shall bid you all a good night/good day and I am off to whimsical sleep land~~~~~
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Nov 25, 2009 #14,918 Ooh yeah I can't wait for christmas!!! I need a chrismassy sig, too.