Random Statement Thread II

because all the statement's are random
It a cover, like a speak easy during prohibition. The sign outside says random statement thread to throw the "man" off the scent, so we can enjoy free chat inside.

Every once in a while a gang of mods may raid the place, but we just press a button and all our deep, meaningful and heartfelt chat automatically transforms into seemingly random statements.

:sing:"My name is Talula...":sing:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It a cover, like a speak easy during prohibition. The sign outside says random statement thread to throw the "man" off the scent, so we can enjoy free chat inside.

But I like men. Hot, muscle-bound, oily, rippling...:dreamy sigh:...uuuuuuuhhhhh, I mean...I LIKE NAKED CHICKS.

YEEEEAH, I'm such a manly man. RAAAARRRR!!! All I think about is naked chicks with huge titties who wash cars in white tank tops and rub soap all over one anoth...

What the...what's this white crap in my shorts? Uh oh. I done it agaaaaain!!!

:cheesy sitcom music hits as the credits roll:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You bet your ass it is!