Random Statement Thread II

Got it fixed, Hello all I'm back.


Closed Account
Good morning everyone. :wave:

I hope your weekend is a good one.

Leaves coffee cocoa and doughnuts for all. :hatsoff:


Closed Account
Hello M12 LL. :wave:


Closed Account
Hello lone gunman. :wave:


Closed Account
Wow we have about 12 inches of snow on the ground here who is going to clean all this snow off my truck and clean my roads lol. :D

Who is going to buy lunch today? ;)


Closed Account
63 degrees. We have flooding rains and expecting up to 50 mph winds tonight and part of tomorrow. :( Well at least the wind may dry up the floods.

They're expecting bad wind damage, and outages so tonight will be terrible to say the least. Also I live in an area that has seen many tornado's in the past and the expected weather has all the right elements to have one, so they say on the weather. :dunno:

I'll take 12 inches of snow any day over this mess. :(

Was just working on my new desk I'm making and thought I'd stop and Hello to all my friends!!!

:wave: Hello :wave:​


Closed Account
Hello fresno and wigster. :wave: