Random Statement Thread II

Maybe you two should carpool to the Dr. ?


Since you both have to go...

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I could really need some more books to learn for my big exams. But they cost all around 30 bucks and more! I'm too greedy to spend that kinda money on books. :o
Really if I had more money I would be buying books all the time. I love to read for work or for fun. At the moment I am reading: the story of civilization 1 Our Oriental Heritage. Its a massive book collection of our history. I love it so much

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Cool. :thumbsup:

Well I'm not much or a reader myself. Even though I like to go through non-fiction books.

But I never read any fiction books.
Do you like graghic novels? There is a set I just finished its 10 volumes you can read one in a few hours if you have children to make it hard to concentrate lol It's called The Last Man. If you feel like buying some books.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I was never a fan of comics. It doesn't bring me fun reading them. I don't understand how people can read them.

As a kid I had some Simpsons and Futurama comics. But I never read them. Just looking at the pics. :dunno:
I had a huge comic book collection as a kid. They were all kept in the basement then rain came and it was a hugely bad strom. Our basement got flooded out. I lost boxes of comics I have 2 left. They are Transformer comics because those were the two I was currrently reading.

I hid them from the kiddies as with the transformer movies out they want to read them but I won't let them I am so mean.
I still have that smell I can't get rid of or find. I just hope it's not any type of sewer like gasses coming from somewhere. Maybe if I'm lucky it's just a dead mouse somewhere that I can't get to. Just so it stops in a few days. Luckily it's summer and I can have the windows open.

I asked my nephew how many comic books he ever got in his life a few weeks ago. The number was zero. I thought that was sad, especially since he likes a lot of the characters. It doesn't help they are so expensive now and harder to find. Luckily he got to go through some of my bothers collection. I would have let him look at some of mine, but he just doesn't take good enough care of things to let him do that yet.

I think I have read parts of books of one type or another almost every day now for years.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Did anyone see the chip by Ellen White?