Random Statement Thread II

Jon S.

Don't you just like people who tell you bold faced lies, and when they should know that you know the truth, they continue to lie to you and get pissed at you when you call them on it...like you're the bad guy?
^^yep, worth it though ! ;)

...Greece gets another bailout --- this fixes everything ! :rolleyes:
well done Maria!! Robson did play well though; think we'll see a lot more of her :cool:
Bills to pay, no money, open today, no cars. Might as well hang on the board.
Wait....they aren't making another Expendables movie are they? :facepalm:

If they are they must not have learned from the suckiness of the first one.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It wasn't THAT bad.
oh come on folks ! we are back online ! we must repopulate the forum !:partysml: