:kiss: and hugs I miss you too. You and your family are in my thoughts. If you need anything let me know.
I think I should be back to my normal routine more or less like usual in a few days. Things just got even more in a mess than usual because of some circumstances that happened. I just feel bad for my mother, even more than everybody else I feel bad for in my family, because of all she has to go through taking care of all this, along with having one of her children die. The last funeral I was at, where my father died, I had to handle most of the things around it, and that was bad enough even then when most of the things were pre-planned for ahead of time, people knew it was coming for years, and most things were accounted for ahead of time.
This is a mess. It was a sudden and totally unforeseen billions to one freak accident, and everything that was once my sister is pretty much gone except for a few items left and our memories or her. Dealing with it hasn't been easy for anybody.