Random Statement Thread II


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Were they famous or just random girls?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Then you won't get the present I've prepared for you.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's not a present that you'll get to keep though.
Insomnia, boredom and sexual frustration, along with a pinch of my personal flavour of insanity can result in some pretty wild fantasies. I certainly experienced that some time ago. It's nothing that would (or should) get me banned here or anywhere else for that matter, but telling it would certainly raise a lot of eyebrows and call out all the homophobes and such, plus... who the fuck would give a shit? Even if this is a porn forum, written erotic material doesn't really seem to have an audience or a place here.

Heh. End of random rant... I am very tired. Tired in more ways than one.

I really wish I could have erotic dreams again. Those were always very good and pleasant. I don't remember when I last saw one..


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Good night Alisa. Have a safe journey.

Jon S.

What is wrong with the Universe? First it's all the crazy weather everywhere...now, here it is, almost mid-June, and my Pittsburgh Pirates are back at the .500 mark. Now, if we are into July, and my Pirates are still at .500 or above...be afraid...be VERY afraid! I'm pretty certain that is one of the 7 Signs of the Apocalypse!