Random Statement Thread II

being a fan of extreme metal i've never had a a girlfriend with a similar taste in music...which leaves me to listen to music when they're not around or asleep...lucky thing i like many genres of music
Here's a question for people that have played fighting video games. For a game like Street Fighter 4 on the Playstation is it easier playing it with the game pad or is it better using one of those arcade style controls? :dunno:

My brother has got a Playstation with the game, but I find some of the more complex moves hard to pull off with the game pad, especially outside of training mode, and especially things like where you have to move the analog 360 degrees. I find myself having to actually use the palm of my other hand just to pull them off in training mode.

Of course, it's not like I'm going to shell out the money for the arcade controls anyway so it's just out of curiosity.

I think it is easier on the arcade style controls though I'm not going out and buying the arcade controls either. Then again it might all be in our head.
It depends. I know the ones who pull off the hardcore fighting style usually use the arcade stick because that is what they are used to.

It all comes down to what you want to do and preference. :)
It depends. I know the ones who pull off the hardcore fighting style usually use the arcade stick because that is what they are used to.

It all comes down to what you want to do and preference. :)

When I'm doing things like half turns or quarter turns it seems easier if I can push the analog or the joystick all the way to the edge and glide it along the edge for that movement. That just seems harder to do with a console controller using only my thumb on it. Doing a full 360s with just my thumb seems dam near impossible while trying to keep the analog stick on the controller all the way to it's edge while circling around. Shorter turns I can do the majority of the time, but not often enough that it's automatically reliable when I need it, which when facing a good human opponent is almost a necessity. Not having a move fire off because of some reason when you need it to can be the difference between winning and loosing. I also find that the bigger the stick the more reliable the directional changes. For instance it seems you can be more sure of going from down and away to strait forward instead of accidentally going from down away to down forward. Things like the above are more irritating in Super Street Fighter IV when you need a super or ultra move to fire off for example.
When I'm doing things like half turns or quarter turns it seems easier if I can push the analog or the joystick all the way to the edge and glide it along the edge for that movement. That just seems harder to do with a console controller using only my thumb on it. Doing a full 360s with just my thumb seems dam near impossible while trying to keep the analog stick on the controller all the way to it's edge while circling around. Shorter turns I can do the majority of the time, but not often enough that it's automatically reliable when I need it, which when facing a good human opponent is almost a necessity. Not having a move fire off because of some reason when you need it to can be the difference between winning and loosing. I also find that the bigger the stick the more reliable the directional changes. For instance it seems you can be more sure of going from down and away to strait forward instead of accidentally going from down away to down forward. Things like the above are more irritating in Super Street Fighter IV when you need a super or ultra move to fire off for example.

Just do what I did. Buy an old arcade machine take out the old parts maybe upgrade the monitor and put a computer in it and then you can play all the games you want minus any that need the ball. We have over 250 games on ours for now.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
*recites Norse prayers*
capitalism breaks down when people act out of short term greed instead of out of long term benefit

Isn't that what has always happens.

It also breaks down because a lot of people that believe in it are under the false notion that everybody in it has even remotely close to the same opportunity when reality isn’t even close to that.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
An Elven-maid there was of old,
A shining star by day:
Her mantle white was hemmed with gold,
Her shoes of silver-grey.
A star was bound upon her brows,
A light was on her hair
As sun upon the golden boughs
In Lórien the fair.
Her hair was long, her limbs were white,
And fair she was and free;
And in the wind she went as light
As leaf of linden-tree.
Beside the falls of Nimrodel,
By water clear and cool,
Her voice as falling silver fell
Into the shining pool.
Where now she wanders none can tell,
In sunlight or in shade;
For lost of yore was Nimrodel
And in the mountains strayed.
The elven-ship in haven grey
Beneath the mountain-lee
Awaited her for many a day
Beside the roaring sea.
A wind by night in Northern lands
Arose,and loud it cried,
And drove the ship from elven-strands
Across the streaming tide.
When dawn came dim the land was lost,
The mountains sinking grey
Beyond the heaving waves that tossed
Their plumes of blinding spray.
Amroth beheld the fading shore
Now low beyond the swell,
And cursed the faithless ship that bore
Him far from Nimrodel.
Of old he was an Elven-king,
A lord of tree and glen,
When golden were the boughs in spring
In fair Lothlórien.
From helm to sea they saw him leap,
As arrow from the string,
And dive into the water deep,
As mew upon the wing.
The wind was in his flowing hair,
The foam about him shone;
Afar they saw him strong and fair
Go riding like a swan.
But from the West has come no word,
And on the Hither Shore
No tidings Elven-folk have heard
Of Amroth evermore.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Paul: Stilgar, do we have wormsign?
Stilgar: Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
:sing: The wanderer has no place to go, after he has come to the end
The moon paints all the shadows blue, he is alone, left out there
Far away from a lonely yard the warth radiates out to the night
Hunger awakes in his frozen body, which has fed on air and water
It hurts, but still he goes on, you can always turn back
It hurts, but nevertheless go on, you are here and you have come here like a wanderer
The clock rings for a lonely soul, it has borrowed its voice from Grim Reaper
Does it want good or bad, when it counts our deaths
Stop thinking, it is still difficult, you better take one day at a time
The wanderer has no place to go, if he goes with the last strike (of the clock) :sing: