Okay, I went out and got the strongest super glue I could find. I hope that holds the chair together, but where it's broke at I'm not that confident. I'll see how it turns out though.
Oh I haven't even seen this thread until now. I was just referring to your post above. :o I still want to bang you fembot! Do I need a password or something? :shy:
Okay, I went out and got the strongest super glue I could find. I hope that holds the chair together, but where it's broke at I'm not that confident. I'll see how it turns out though.
Okay, I went out and got the strongest super glue I could find. I hope that holds the chair together, but where it's broke at I'm not that confident. I'll see how it turns out though.
Oh I haven't even seen this thread until now. I was just referring to your post above. :o I still want to bang you fembot! Do I need a password or something? :shy:
You know what Alisabot, I don't need to bang you. I love you no matter what and I can wait for when you want to bang. *:kiss:es Alisabot behind her ear*