I dissagree with that, we are ready for changes in out politicalm world, the one actions from a few individuals or small groups does not define our nation.
It we were not ready Mr. B.O would have not made it this far, or even Hillary than almost won the nomination and like Palin's introduction to the McCain ticket, shit or even McCain for being the oldest candidate.
I have a weird feeling though that the media's favorite son of krypton Barrack is not going to win it, lets put it this way he's like when the first blu-ray dvd players came out, people waited for a couple of things 1. price to come down (Barrack is going to cost us), 2. work out the kinks (he needs to stop making friends with questionable characters), 2. who's backing the product up (Is it the Pelosis, media, far left, hurting Barrack more than helping him?
If he doesn't win, we will probably see him again 2012 or candidates of similar skin background or different culture and more female candidates. The culture in politics of the white men only is over, the melting pot is the future of politics. Now there's the possibility that Barrack will win this and those will be some interesting four years.