Quiz Games

Yes, when first read these puzzles I think too abstract - light is on or it is off, you do not know if it was already on or off. Then I remember the stink you get off bulbs with dust on them, and realised more than one way to check a bulb has been on than light! ;)


are you talking to me?
DB updated! here's another:

we have two candlewicks that ARE NOT THE SAME (shape, body οr anything else)
they only one we know is that they need one hour each one to get burned...
how can we manage to time 45 minutes????

p.s. we have a lighter too!!!
shit i use to know the answer to this one when I was younger. my 8th grade science teacher asked us this once. i shudder to think about him. he was a pedophile. got fired for checkin out some girls in my class. anyway, i think i can get this one.


are you talking to me?
ok...have a try! ;)


are you talking to me?
that's right superfly2!!! congrats!!!;)


are you talking to me?
ok, here it is:

we have 9 bags with coins (all bags are the same) and a balance.
in only one of the bags the coins are fake. Each genuine coin weights 10gr
and each fake weights 9gr...

with just one use of the balance, how can we find the bag with the fake coins???
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Put one bag on each side. If it's balanced, put one more on each side. When there are an equal amount of bags on each side, but the scale tips in one direction, the last bag to be placed on the opposite side has the fake coins. If there are 4 bags on each side and the scale is still balanced, then the last bag is the one.


are you talking to me?
but you don't use once the balance this way!


are you talking to me?
no, find a way with just one use of the balance


are you talking to me?
you didn't count on the coins weight...here's the solution:

you get 1 coin from the 1st bag, 2 coins from the 2nd, 3 from the 3rd .... and 9 coins
from the 9th bag... that makes them 45 coins overall that should weight 450gr if
they all were normal...
put the coins on the balance...
if for example they weight 447gr, means that between
the 45 coins, 3 coins are fake....so the bag from which you got the 3 coins is the one! ;)
That is quite cunning! I was thinking about how to put everything on and find the difference.... but never thought to take the coins out of the bags!
001 said:
That is quite cunning! I was thinking about how to put everything on and find the difference.... but never thought to take the coins out of the bags!
My thoughts exactly. But a clever brain teaser nonetheless.

Here's another:
A soldier has been captured by the enemy. He has been so brave that they offer to let him choose how he wants to be killed. They tell him, "if you tell a lie, you will be shot, and if you tell the truth, you will be hanged." He can make only one statement. He makes the statement and goes free. What did he say?
Okay, I have a few problems with some previous quizes (not trying to be an ass, but THERE ARE a few flags on the field):

pitino said:
need a break for a couple minutes?
here's a quiz for you!

we have 2 empty tanks A and B. tank A can contain exactly 5 liters of water
and tank B exactly 3 liters of water.
how can we manage to fill one of the with exactly 4 liters???
(we can fill-empty them as many times as we want)

p.s. post the faster way to do it!!! :thumbsup:

It is not possible to FILL a 5 Liter tank with only 4 liters...

anotherguy said:
you ask one guy - "if i was to ask the other guy guy which road to go down, what would he say" then you pick the other one

lets assume the left road is correct - if you ask the lieing guy, he'd say the truth guy would pick the righthand road (as he's lieing)

but if you ask the truth guy, he'd answer honestly that the lieing guy would always pick righthand, therefore lieing, so left is correct!

:nanner: :nanner: :nanner: :

Not nescessairly. Possibly, but not necessairly. If the liar really knows the truth guy, the liar will say the left road anticipating that the truth guy will say that the liar will say the right road (think about it for a second, you'll see what I'm saying). As you can see it is a vicous cycle, depending on how well each of them knows each other and other important details...

anotherguy said:
Life on mars is very strict, the only town there has only has 2 barbers. under strict hair dressing laws no one with out the liciense can cut hair.

a man goes to mars and wants his hair cut, he goes to barbers a, an unshaven mesy haired dirty smelly man, his shop is a mess, grime on the walls wooden stalls for chairs. he decides to go to the other shop....

The only other barber shop was perfect. gleeming white tiles, fresh smelling with comfy chairs and a range of magazines to read. The barber was a well kept cleanly shaven, well spoken man with a perfect hair cut.

the man took one look at the second barbers and returned to the first. Why?


How do you know that the first barber didn't try cutting his own hair and the second guy had a wig and got lazer hair removal on his face. Again, a case of missing details...

pitino said:
outside a room are 3 switches. Just one of them turns-on the light inside the room.
we are outside the room and we can get into the room just once to check!
how can we manage to find out which switch turns-on the light?

p.s. there isn't any window or another way to see what's going on inside the room!

It isn't stated in the original problem, so couldn't I just look under the crack of the door to see when light appears? Another case of making things harder than they need to be while risking burning yourself.
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