Question about cell phone.


My friend gave me his cell phone number and was supposed to call me today for a meeting. But for whatever reason he didn't call me. I tried to call him twice but it never respond, I wait like 10 ring and no response.

I am just wondering if it true cell phone will make that he know I called him? Like tomorrow when he will look at his cell phone, he will know I called him twice tonight?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Missed calls should be the first thing he sees on his screen the next time he picks it up, yeah.

OR.. turns it back on. But.. if it rings, that DOES mean the phone is on. AHEM, *WAS* on.

Anyhow.. depending on the cellphone manufacturer.. pressing up usually leads to your *caller ID list*. on that you'll see who called, their number.. duration of the call.. time they called.. blah blah. As detailed as ya wanna get.
yeah even the very old phones would have that function, in fact if you called him x amount of times it will say to them how many missed calls.
My friend gave me his cell phone number and was supposed to call me today for a meeting. But for whatever reason he didn't call me. I tried to call him twice but it never respond, I wait like 10 ring and no response.
As a general rule of thumb, if you call a number and it goes straight to voice mail, without first ringing, you can assume the phone was off and thus they wouldn't know. If it rings at all, you can assume the phone was on and your phone call was logged. That is how things work in general, but sometimes glitches occur.
My friend gave me his cell phone number and was supposed to call me today for a meeting. But for whatever reason he didn't call me. I tried to call him twice but it never respond, I wait like 10 ring and no response.

I am just wondering if it true cell phone will make that he know I called him? Like tomorrow when he will look at his cell phone, he will know I called him twice tonight?

This guy doesn't have insects too does he, or use your razor? :)
But.. if it rings, that DOES mean the phone is on. AHEM, *WAS* on.
Not necessarily.

I often face this problem when I'm out on the rig (see: Ambulance) - since a large part of our coverage area is in the boonies, I'm often left with crappy coverage. What this means is that my cellphone frequently exhausts it's battery in trying to "boost" available signal strength. Since all calls from the rig to the ER in this area are done on cellphone, I often keep mine "off" when I'm on duty yo conserve battery power - I only turn it on when I have a patient on board and I need to call in report to the ER I will be delivering the patient to.

What happens however, is that I end up "missing calls" and have to deal with voice mails from the callers - who keep complaining that I was not "picking up the phone".... when in fact I have no idea that someone is calling me since my phone is off.

I suspect it has something to do with cell phone providers because normally, when my cellphone is "on", I receive the call before it diverts to my voice mail.



Don't you have "own number sending off/on" in the US?!

Depending on who or where I am calling, I typically change back and forth.
OR.. turns it back on. But.. if it rings, that DOES mean the phone is on. AHEM, *WAS* on.

thats why I love my Sony Ericsson.. it lets you reject calls and still keep your phone on.. so the caller goes straight to voicemail while still having your phone on...