QAnon and Congress

Thanks, bubb, maybe I'm being unfair to the Trump supporters.
I actually know a few personally and they really aren't that bad except for a fixation on The Donald. Most are nice and will help you out if you need it. With the exception of those who just want to cause mayhem on both sides it is really complicated.
You nailed it right here. (y)(y)

No, you're not. This article is interesting (I am not familiar with the source, but - famous last words - it seems reasonable):

General election data from the American National Election Study — the longest running election survey in the country — backs this up. Nearly 63% of Trump general election voters made above $50,000. What about education? It’s true that whites without college degrees overwhelmingly voted Republican. Were they struggling? No, on the contrary nearly 60% of these voters were in the top half of the national income distribution. 20% had household incomes over $100,000. In fact, Hillary Clinton roundly defeated Trump among Americans making less than $50,000 a year. The most economically vulnerable voters voted for the Democratic candidate, 53%–41%.​
In this data, a clearer picture of the average Trump voter beings to emerge. They are financially comfortable. They do not have a college degree. And, most importantly, they are white. Race, followed by level of education, are the single biggest predictors of whether someone voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Level of income and class status are not.​
I would say that there is also a certain amount of fear of loosing what they already have. Some believe that there is only a finite amount of wealth in the world and to get more they have to take from others. I don't agree with that but have read and spoken to some who do. Thus the fear of "Socialism", that their wealth will be taken away and given to others. Remember the key to Capitalism's success is that fact that people are inherently greedy and almost all want more of something. Which is why True Communism"From each according to their abilities to each according to their need" will never work with Humans. And not the crap China and Russia have. The problem is who decides what you need? The Government? Churches? or You? I know what I bet on.
I actually know a few personally and they really aren't that bad

I can't accept that. I don't believe that a person of any decency can still support this president. Even if they refuse to believe the truth and live in a fantasy bubble, that alone negates the possibility of their being decent. Most serial killers are nice and will help you out if you need it. Same goes for wife beaters, pedophiles, and closeted racists.

Here's a short list, just of the top of my head:
Concentration camps, including kids in cages
All 14 characteristics of fascism checked
Nazi sympathy, including actual nazi symbols used by his campaign
Every foreign military engagement lost
170k+ Americans dead while he says he did a "phenomenal" job
Unleashing a masked, unidentified personal army answerable only to him and his closest allies against US citizens on US soil

If you support that, you're a cunt. If you refuse to believe any of that, you're ignorant, deluded, and most likely, still a cunt.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I can't accept that. I don't believe that a person of any decency can still support this president. Even if they refuse to believe the truth and live in a fantasy bubble, that alone negates the possibility of their being decent. Most serial killers are nice and will help you out if you need it. Same goes for wife beaters, pedophiles, and closeted racists.

Here's a short list, just of the top of my head:
Concentration camps, including kids in cages
All 14 characteristics of fascism checked
Nazi sympathy, including actual nazi symbols used by his campaign
Every foreign military engagement lost
170k+ Americans dead while he says he did a "phenomenal" job
Unleashing a masked, unidentified personal army answerable only to him and his closest allies against US citizens on US soil

If you support that, you're a cunt. If you refuse to believe any of that, you're ignorant, deluded, and most likely, still a cunt.

The ones that claim to be non-partisan are as bad, if not worse with their false equivalencies.
I can't accept that. I don't believe that a person of any decency can still support this president. Even if they refuse to believe the truth and live in a fantasy bubble, that alone negates the possibility of their being decent. Most serial killers are nice and will help you out if you need it. Same goes for wife beaters, pedophiles, and closeted racists.

Here's a short list, just of the top of my head:
Concentration camps, including kids in cages
All 14 characteristics of fascism checked
Nazi sympathy, including actual nazi symbols used by his campaign
Every foreign military engagement lost
170k+ Americans dead while he says he did a "phenomenal" job
Unleashing a masked, unidentified personal army answerable only to him and his closest allies against US citizens on US soil

If you support that, you're a cunt. If you refuse to believe any of that, you're ignorant, deluded, and most likely, still a cunt.
I understand and in many ways agree. I am now and have always been ashamed to be the same species as many people Trump among them. I am just saying that if there is no way to come to some kind of understanding with the "others" we are really doomed as a nation and possibly a planet.
I am just saying that if there is no way to come to some kind of understanding with the "others" we are really doomed as a nation and possibly a planet.

I don't necessarily disagree. But I think coming to an understanding with these people would not be worth what the decent among us would have to sacrifice. trump and his followers cannot be reasoned with, and to lower ourselves as a species to a point where we could see eye to eye with them would be too big a compromise.

The line needs to be drawn.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Does anyone that posts in P&R besides Meester, Beatman, & Commander Potatoe believe the QAnon conspiracy theory?

QAnon groups hit by Facebook crack down
Facebook also took down thousands of accounts, pages and groups as part en effort to limit violent rhetoric tied to QAnon, political militias and protest groups.

Aug. 19, 2020, 1:59 PM CDT
By Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny

Facebook on Wednesday banned about 900 pages and groups and 1,500 ads tied to the pro-Trump conspiracy theory QAnon, part of a sweeping action that also restricted the reach of over 10,000 Instagram pages and almost 2,000 Facebook groups pushing the baseless conspiracy theory that has spawned real-world violence.

Facebook also took down thousands of accounts, pages and groups as part of what they called a “policy expansion,” seeking to limit violent rhetoric tied to QAnon, political militias and protest groups like antifa.

QAnon is an elaborate, unfounded conspiracy theory alleging that President Donald Trump is secretly saving the world from a group of prominent Satanic cannibals that run the world. The group has been linked to several violent, criminal incidents, including a train hijacking, kidnappings, a police chase and a murder.

The new policy states that “Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts associated with these movements and organizations will be removed when they discuss potential violence."

QAnon, militia movements and violent movements tied to protests will now no longer be allowed to purchase ads on Facebook. QAnon ads, which often pushed merchandise, were allowed on the platform before Wednesday’s announcement.

Facebook will now downrank QAnon, militia and anarchist protest groups on users’ News Feeds and in Facebook and Instagram’s search engines. The groups and accounts will no longer be featured in the “recommendations” sidebar on similar pages. The new ban will also prohibit fundraising based on hashtags related to these movements on Facebook and Instagram.

Over the last month, since supporters of the group were largely banned from Twitter, QAnon believers co-opted the hashtag “#SaveTheChildren,” as a means to evade bans and recruit otherwise apolitical followers.

A Facebook spokesperson said the enforcement actions will continue as the company works to evolve its strategy.

“This doesn’t mean we’ve captured all of the ones we want to restrict yet,” the spokesperson said. “We 100 percent know that they’re going to change their terminology. We don’t think we’re flipping a switch and this won’t be a discussion in a week.”
Remember that every Trump supporter or Biden supporter is not always in lock step with the party program. Some are true believers of all each side says or at least pretend to be. Most others have various reasons they like one party over the other. Some on the Trump side want secure boarders, some want jobs and outsourcing reduced, some want less foreign entanglements and more separation from the rest of the world. I have not talked to anyone of the few Trump people I know who support the separation of children from their families. On the Dem side some want open boarders, Free College, Free Health care. Others, most I expect, are more reasonable. I suggest that trying to see if the person is just really just taking one side or the other because they are afraid of what might happen or if they really believe in the choice they have made. Lesser of two evils. People anymore seem to want to believe the worst of one another instead of what I remember as a young person that most are good and can be trusted. Now it seems the opposite is what is expected.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
This says much: