You nailed it right here.
No, you're not. This article is interesting (I am not familiar with the source, but - famous last words - it seems reasonable):
General election data from the American National Election Study — the longest running election survey in the country — backs this up. Nearly 63% of Trump general election voters made above $50,000. What about education? It’s true that whites without college degrees overwhelmingly voted Republican. Were they struggling? No, on the contrary nearly 60% of these voters were in the top half of the national income distribution. 20% had household incomes over $100,000. In fact, Hillary Clinton
roundly defeated Trump among Americans making less than $50,000 a year. The most economically vulnerable voters voted for the Democratic candidate, 53%–41%.
In this data, a clearer picture of the average Trump voter beings to emerge. They are financially comfortable. They do not have a college degree. And, most importantly, they are white. Race, followed by level of education, are the single biggest predictors of whether someone voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Level of income and class status are not.