Excellent. I personally love it when their faces grimace with pain - like they can barely handle it with out breaking down into tears. Hats off to these brave girls. They really do deserve a hearty round of applause.
Honestly, just go to the front page for the site and pick a name of any girl there and plug it in to the address where appropriate. Almost all are great for this.
Funny and true story: I went out on an date with a girl I met on an internet dating site, and we met up with her friend, who ended up being the chick in this linked video. When I asked my date's friend what she did for work, she told me she's an adult film actress. That's all. Not much else happened besides a somewhat awkward conversation and mediocre food. My date was cool, but alas, we didn't really click, though she did kiss me at the end of our date. I think she thought I judged her negatively by the fact that she was friends with a porn starlet.