Puppy meat is no worse than a pork chop

I also remember seeing an American soldier kicking a canine puppy.
Don't know if it was the same video but he threw the puppy off of a cliff in Iraq, don't get much more uncivilised than that


Official Checked Star Member
I have MAD respect for Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. While yes, the thought of eating a puppy would make most of us cringe, this man has FAR more respect for animals and the food we eat than pretty much everyone who eats from a restaurant or buys meat from the grocery chain. All animals deserve respect, and deserve to live humanely, whether they're pets, or the animals that will eventually end up on our plate. If you buy and consume commercially raised meat, you are financially supporting animal abuse and your money is going straight into the hands of those who torture and kill animals for profit.
"It’s an artificial construct of our society, a cultural decision, to make pets out of dogs and meat out of pigs."

He's got a point. I'm not gonna be slicing up Rex anytime soon, but the man does have a point there. Why should he be fired? For voicing an opinion? Christ, it seems like you just can't do that anymore without the masses clammering for a fire to be lit and someone thrown on to it. :flame:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I saw the title of the thread, and thought it was another statement from Michelle Bachman.


Postal Paranoiac
This is a great discussion...for me to poop on.


Jon S.

1st, a public service announcement:

You all do know that when you engage the worm, you are giving him what he so desperately craves.....ATTENTION?

Anyway, the guy is right, though he probably could have worded it better. If it is so "immoral" to eat dog or cat meat, simply because we've domesticated them, and keep them as pets.....then it is "immoral" to eat the mean of ANY animal. Anything else is totally a double standard. Personally, from a morality standpoint.....I believe eating the meat of any animal is wrong.....especially the mass corporate processing of animals for human consumption. Now, I have felt this way for a long time, and the fact that I have eaten meat over that time makes me a hypocrite.....but it doesn't make what I have to say any less valid. I can't tell you the number of times that I thought about the suffering that any given animal went through just so I could eat it. The fact that I did eat it made me the worst kind of hypocrite....the kind that thinks something is wrong, yet still does it. In all honesty, meat IS meat.....if it's wrong to eat the meat of one animal....it should and must be wrong to eat the meat of ANY animal....especially when the reasoning is based on moral grounds.

Now, as some of you know, I had a "mild" heart attack back in October '10, and a friend of mine just about a month ago finally convinced me to going vegetarian....with SOME seafood, and then only wild &/or farm raised....so I'm not totally a vegetarian...but pretty damn close. She said it would be hard....and she wasn't kidding given the constant temptation you have anywhere you go. I basically have to eat alone right now. I can't eat out at a restaurant. Like she warned me, it's tough. But, I don't have the luxury to play games with my diet anymore.....and to be honest, it's getting to the point that I don't really even miss many of the so-called "staples" of the often carnivorous American diet. Oh yeah, and I'm losing weight, and felling better than I have in a long time actually.

Anyway, like I said, if eating the meat of one animal is considered wrong.....doesn't it logically, and in all intellectual honesty, follow that eating the meat of ANY animal is wrong? :dunno:


Now, as some of you know, I had a "mild" heart attack back in October '10, and a friend of mine just about a month ago finally convinced me to going vegetarian....with SOME seafood, and then only wild &/or farm raised....so I'm not totally a vegetarian...but pretty damn close. She said it would be hard....and she wasn't kidding given the constant temptation you have anywhere you go. I basically have to eat alone right now. I can't eat out at a restaurant. Like she warned me, it's tough. But, I don't have the luxury to play games with my diet anymore.....and to be honest, it's getting to the point that I don't really even miss many of the so-called "staples" of the often carnivorous American diet. Oh yeah, and I'm losing weight, and felling better than I have in a long time actually.

Your friend is poorly informed and leading you astray! (though I'm sure she is well meaning). There is nothing harmful to heart health in unprocessed animal proteins.

There is plenty to worry about with foods which feature in the vegetarian diet though.

You all do know that when you engage the worm, you are giving him what he so desperately craves.....ATTENTION?

put in a situation where id need to eat dog, such as going to a foreign consulate, or being invited into the home of a native, i would eat it.

its an animal, just like any other animal on earth. if its edible, eat it. why the hell not?

now, would i do it on my own, no. but being that its part of a peoples society, it can be acceptable
Why is a puppies life more valuable than a pigs?

Are they more intelligent? No.
Do they have further significance to us in terms of usefulness? No.
Are they cuter? Yes.

I'd eat a Chinese person. They're cute.

So fuck puppies! If they were so great they wouldn't have been digested and shat out by this guy whenever it was.