Puff Puff Pass Michael Phelps!!!



GO PHELPS!!! Just goes to show that smokin some weed don't mean shit! LEGALIZE IT!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Does anybody care about Michael Phelps anyway? So, he has a bunch of Gold Medals...whoopty shit. The only reason he has so many is because he participates in a sport that has 20,000 different events during the Olympics.

Give it a year or two and people will forget who Michael Phelps even is. Hell, they're already starting to.
Who cares? Did that have any effect on him destroying everyone at the Olympics? No, I don't think so.
It did if he's related to this guy...
Does anybody care about Michael Phelps anyway? So, he has a bunch of Gold Medals...whoopty shit. The only reason he has so many is because he participates in a sport that has 20,000 different events during the Olympics.

Give it a year or two and people will forget who Michael Phelps even is. Hell, they're already starting to.

Michael who???
The amount of money that high profile people make should be held responsible for there actions. You have a shitload of money do you really feel the need to go to a college party?

I think that they should make the money that they do because most of them do make sacrfices with family and lifestyle but ut if you go off smoke drink or take part in dog fighting (wont mention any names) you should be held responsible.

How can you say it is fine for these people to do this? its illegal.
The kid was in college in that picture for christs sake. I mean come on, what is the percentage of people who don't smoke a little pot while in college. I don't have a problem with this and neither should anyone else. Give the kid a break, he's just being a college guy. I bet the guys who broke the story did the same damn thing when they were in school.
The amount of money that high profile people make should be held responsible for there actions. You have a shitload of money do you really feel the need to go to a college party?

I think that they should make the money that they do because most of them do make sacrfices with family and lifestyle but ut if you go off smoke drink or take part in dog fighting (wont mention any names) you should be held responsible.

How can you say it is fine for these people to do this? its illegal.

If he was doing something people considered wrong You Might have a point. If he went around kicking homeless bums for fun in the middle of the night that would be one thing. Even if I personally don't do it, it doesn't really bother me if other people out there smoke pot. While it might be illegal, in general the laws on it are pretty stupid.


The only thing newsworthy about this "story" is the reaction of Michael Phelps' endorsement corporations.
Is there a "good boy" clause in them (?) If so, he's gonna loose a hell of a lot of money, you can be sure. :nono:

The question is, how retroactive are these endorsement contracts ?

Hmmm ?
Everyone has the right ...

Including the sponsors having the right to yank him.

It's just like the Dixie Chicks.
Some people disagreed with how they said something.
W. didn't need to say anything (and he often reaffirmed their right to say it, and didn't think anything less of them for it either).

That's always the case, and people decide what they want.
^I'm not sure that is the most effective analogy. The Dixie Chicks did not commit an illegal act and there was an embarrassing "faux outrage" of burning their CDs and vowing to never watch them in concert by HillBillyRadio.

I don't see Phelps facing the same outrage. I don't see anything happening to him actually. I think the Chef is correct...there's so many distractions in our lives that Michael Phelps's achievements are already in the rear-view mirror....
Let's see the current president used drugs, the former president used drugs, the guy before that got blown in the White House and they go after exposing Phelps. The country is becoming 1 big Bible Belt! Ask any priest :mad:
^I'm not sure that is the most effective analogy.
It wasn't really an analogy, but just showing that what a celebrity says or does, illegally, unethical or just controversial, makes some people yank their sponsorship.

The Dixie Chicks did not commit an illegal act and there was an embarrassing "faux outrage" of burning their CDs and vowing to never watch them in concert by HillBillyRadio.
But this isn't about whether or not Phelps did anything "illegal." It's about what he did or said that tarnishes his image of, "this is what I represent."

Politics, ethics, etc... are great ways to see your sponsors flee.

I don't see Phelps facing the same outrage. I don't see anything happening to him actually. I think the Chef is correct...
Actually, I see a lot similarities in the conservative community, and the "judgement" as a whole. My point on the Dixie Chicks wasn't whether they "deserved it" or not, but that the smallest little things sometimes make all-the-difference.

One should not alienate their biggest fans with actions and words.

there's so many distractions in our lives that Michael Phelps's achievements are already in the rear-view mirror....
And yet now it matters to many again, in the context of what he did later.
and they go after exposing Phelps
Define "they" and how they "go after."

He merely didn't achieve celebrity status, he exploited it for financial interest. He was perfectly entitled to do that. Many do.

But now, because he is a celebrity and is paid to represent interests, some of those same sponsors that benefited from their association with him are questioning it. That's the price one pays for not merely being a celebrity, but profiting from it and the image.

You have to keep the image going. If you don't, don't expect to continue to be paid for that image. People pay given expectations, and when those expectations are crossed, people are fully entitled to end those payments.