PSN down

after all the fanboy talk,i have both systems and i am a fanboy of both BECAUSE I'M A SERIOUS GAMER! WE ALL ARE!! :bowdown: so fuck the fanboy nonsense already! :mad:
get back to the issue.....
has there been any update on when this PSN is going to be back up?
The 360 fanboys have been having a field day with sony the past 3 weeks.

I was a fan of PS2, not a fanboy. I got the 360 about a year after it came out. Due to price being about half that of a new PS3. My 360 died and I already had a PS3 for god of war 3 and blu-ray. I still don't know which console is better in terms of hardware. Most games are made for both systems. I couldn't care less about exclusives for either system. These tend to be games I don't like anyway, save for god of war 3. But not being able to play online is starting to piss me off. Why can't the hackers go for the 360 too? Must be 360 fanboys that hacked sony's network.

Anonymous hacked PSN, not 360 fanboys. I don't know the whole story but apparently anonymous got ticked off after Sony sued some guy who was jailbreaking the system or something. Anonymous got pissed and declared war on Sony in order to be activists for people's freedoms, they said they weren't going to take personal information from users, they only wanted to expose Sony. Apparently Anonymous is going to keep attacking Sony after this but they are going to find a way to make it only affect Sony and not the PSN users.
Anonymous hacked PSN, not 360 fanboys. I don't know the whole story but apparently anonymous got ticked off after Sony sued some guy who was jailbreaking the system or something. Anonymous got pissed and declared war on Sony in order to be activists for people's freedoms, they said they weren't going to take personal information from users, they only wanted to expose Sony. Apparently Anonymous is going to keep attacking Sony after this but they are going to find a way to make it only affect Sony and not the PSN users.

Here's a timeline of the events that have taken place thus far.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Anonymous hacked PSN, not 360 fanboys. I don't know the whole story but apparently anonymous got ticked off after Sony sued some guy who was jailbreaking the system or something. Anonymous got pissed and declared war on Sony in order to be activists for people's freedoms, they said they weren't going to take personal information from users, they only wanted to expose Sony. Apparently Anonymous is going to keep attacking Sony after this but they are going to find a way to make it only affect Sony and not the PSN users.

So sony sues some guy who broke the law. No problem there and these losers decided to further break the law by hacking sony's servers or whatever. Maybe someone should kill these fuckers so I can play online and buy shit from the PS store. Why the fuck do we all have to suffer because of some ridiculous agenda?
Anonymous hacked PSN, not 360 fanboys. I don't know the whole story but apparently anonymous got ticked off after Sony sued some guy who was jailbreaking the system or something. Anonymous got pissed and declared war on Sony in order to be activists for people's freedoms, they said they weren't going to take personal information from users, they only wanted to expose Sony. Apparently Anonymous is going to keep attacking Sony after this but they are going to find a way to make it only affect Sony and not the PSN users.

It wasn't Anonymous. Sony's pointing fingers, but Anonymous has made very clear that they had nothing to do with this, and they aren't exactly shy about taking credit for things like this.
I believe it either was someone from Anonymous who wanted to do this really bad but when Anonymous backed off, this person or people went ahead and did it or it was a group who saw a window of opportunity to blame Anonymous after their threat
It wasn't Anonymous. Sony's pointing fingers, but Anonymous has made very clear that they had nothing to do with this, and they aren't exactly shy about taking credit for things like this.

Sony might be pointing fingers,but they never officially accused Anonymous for the breach,the said that they made it easier for a breach to occur with an earlier attack.Look at the timeline in my previous post.
So sony sues some guy who broke the law. No problem there and these losers decided to further break the law by hacking sony's servers or whatever. Maybe someone should kill these fuckers so I can play online and buy shit from the PS store. Why the fuck do we all have to suffer because of some ridiculous agenda?

From what I understand if this is the same case I'm thinking about it wasn't really totally clear cut that the guy actually broke the law. I think it's part of the reason they settled out of court. Although Sony got the better end of it. Then again Sony is a multi-billion international corporation that can legally strong arm people just from resources alone, and corporations like that pretty much get the law written how they want anyhow. Not to mention I think some parts of the DMCA are crap or go to far.

In any case the guy probably shouldn't have advertised to the world the method for cracking the Playstation after it was found (or at least he was involved in doing it), and I'm sure any knowledgeable rational person would have to think that at least others would use the knowledge to pirate games on it (although even from moral and ethical standpoint often even that’s irrelevant) and not just mess around or put their preferred operating system on it although I do have some sympathy for people that wanted to do the latter, just like I don't really care or mind of somebody cracks a phone to operate with anybody they want.
Sony might be pointing fingers,but they never officially accused Anonymous for the breach,the said that they made it easier for a breach to occur with an earlier attack.Look at the timeline in my previous post.

I read the timeline, but IGN's account doesn't add up with the court accounts so far. Sony has said they have evidence that Anonymous left them vulnerable, however they've yet to present any real evidence. Literally all they've done is point fingers to this point. Honestly, even if you take consider that timeline, what Sony says they found is essentially a plain-text document. There's nothing there that would make their network weaker, even with a breach occurring. Anonymous typically doesn't attack network infrastructure the way Sony is claiming, which is why this is still suspect to me. What has come out in the past week however, is the absurdly insecure nature of the PSN in the first place. Sony's really got no one to blame but themselves here, and they've done nothing to own up to this point. The longer they delay finally admitting the inevitable, the more they lose overall. In the end, this process really wouldn't have dragged on if Sony had just owned up, been forthright, and compensated their users somehow. As is, Sony looks like a high school computer class where one student is better than the teacher, hacks the network, and the teacher blames everyone but themself to compensate.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I heard May 31st is when its going back online now.

now I miss my 360 :bawling:

mostly cause I'm know it's gonna keep getting pushed back...
I heard May 31st is when its going back online now.

WTH! that's still 3 weeks away... that's when my exams start... :(
Is that really from a serious source? May 31st, they can't take THAT long, can they?
Well, at least I can catch up with single player games for now. Enjoying New Vegas again. Already finished it for an independent new vegas and for the NCR, now I'll go work for Mr. House.
I heard May 31st is when its going back online now.

WTH! that's still 3 weeks away... that's when my exams start... :(

Another week begins and the saga continues.:facepalm:

Is that really from a serious source? May 31st, they can't take THAT long, can they?

I WANT TO MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR: i am not calling mark46 a liar.

my friend just text me like 5 minutes ago asking if i know when PSN will be up. i went online,did a little looking and there are ALOT of rumors apparantly going around saying may 31st even some saying september!
but SONY HAS NOT released any date or info regarding the when the PSN will be back up. i think the last update on the PS website was may 5th.
i also read there was another (3rd) attack on the the PSN (another rumor?) so they have to go back to start again, true or false, i dont know but i would say dont believe any date unless it was published by sony.


what the fuck you lookin at?
there are ALOT of rumors apparantly going around saying may 31st even some saying september!

September? That's completely unacceptable!