ps3 still beats out Wii in Japan following Wii price cut....

Id have to say Im not surprised. Pretty much all of the casual gamers already own a Wii and some hardcore gamers do too.That said,with the Wii's lackluster game lineup,how many versions of swinging a tennis racket does one need, people are turning to ps3. Uncharted2 blowing up the fucking charts like gangbusters is helping also,believe it.

It took forever cause people are cheap.The ps3 is now $100 cheaper and its games lineup,multiplatform and exclusives, makes 360 into a nice paperweight if you get a RROD and its out of warranty. I wouldnt pay $100 to have a RROD'd 360 fixed with that games lineup.

Its 4 years old this holiday,so that extended warranty they did due to the 52% failure rate is starting to end for people. In the end here,the 1 year head start 360 had will be only relevant to the fact that they rushed to production to make holiday and now they are getting sued for it.

My prediction is ps3 will lead over 360 by god of war3 time in march.You'll prob have a killzone3 announcement too right around there.
The Wii is some fun, but exept for Mario (Galaxy and Kart) there's not a lot of good games (maybe Zelda, but not my game: pretty boring if you ask me)... Where PS3 is getting some great exclusives, which will make it the nr 1 console out there....


what the fuck you lookin at?
Not surprising since the Wii is complete shit! I'm a hardcore gamer and I don't own one. I've played it at friends houses, told them they wasted their money and I never touched the thing since. It's a $200 paper weight if you ask me.

PS3 at least is finally getting some nice exclusives and GoW3 is gonna be fuckin gorgeous! But I'm perfectly happy with my 360. If I want a blu-ray player I can get one for half the price of a PS3
I dont really care who outsells or what, or has exclusives to whatever, its a games console, not a fashion item, I dont think someones cool cause they have a ps3, or think less of someone for having a wii. Hell I own a 360 and despite my troubles, I advocate the troubles I have based on its useage, as money well spent.

The exclusives that the PS3 has had vs the 360's, for my own taste favour the 360s line up. Yes both consoles, hell all consoles have had some stinkers for games, but on both sides there are alot of rare gems. Example, the better a games graphics are? The shorter I know the game play will be. The more hype, the larger the fall. I have paid less than half price for some near unknown games and still have them since there replayability is great.
My opinion favors ps3 like yours favors 360.I got a 360 on launch day and had my fun over the years.I do however have a gripe that Im on my 4th 360 console due to RROD's.Microsoft rushed their greedy asses to production,not to beat the competition but to make a fucking holiday.

I think its possible that with the early exclusive 360 lineup they still would be on top with sales right now if they waited till 1st quarter of the new year and didnt rush out the hardware. Also,with that 1 year head start they blew their exclusives load way too early. Uncharted is just going into its first sequel,killzone1 dont count cause it was on ps2 so killzone3 would be its true ps3 sequel,GodofWar3 is going into its 1st ps3 game. LittleBIGplanet debuted and kicked ass,MLBthe show rules baseball period and its ps3 only,MAG is a new ip and looks to raise the bar with online.

Gears is old news going into its 3rd game and so is Halo. And thats the sad thing,the 2 biggest franchises on 360 are in the shooter genre. Forza 2 sucked but Im hearing that Forza 3 is a verrrrryyy good game and Mass effect was a good game. Outside of those the 360 doesnt have enough for the future for my taste. Xbox is totally absent from the sports genre with exclusives and Sports is the one genre that appeals to hardcore and casual gamers alike.
My opinion favors ps3 like yours favors 360.I got a 360 on launch day and had my fun over the years.I do however have a gripe that Im on my 4th 360 console due to RROD's.Microsoft rushed their greedy asses to production,not to beat the competition but to make a fucking holiday.

I think its possible that with the early exclusive 360 lineup they still would be on top with sales right now if they waited till 1st quarter of the new year and didnt rush out the hardware. Also,with that 1 year head start they blew their exclusives load way too early. Uncharted is just going into its first sequel,killzone1 dont count cause it was on ps2 so killzone3 would be its true ps3 sequel,GodofWar3 is going into its 1st ps3 game. LittleBIGplanet debuted and kicked ass,MLBthe show rules baseball period and its ps3 only,MAG is a new ip and looks to raise the bar with online.

Gears is old news going into its 3rd game and so is Halo. And thats the sad thing,the 2 biggest franchises on 360 are in the shooter genre. Forza 2 sucked but Im hearing that Forza 3 is a verrrrryyy good game and Mass effect was a good game. Outside of those the 360 doesnt have enough for the future for my taste. Xbox is totally absent from the sports genre with exclusives and Sports is the one genre that appeals to hardcore and casual gamers alike.

As long as they have all the EA sports games on 360 it really doesn't matter that it's not exclusive. The only thing missing for an xbox owner is a good baseball game since the 2k baseball game sucks so much and MLB the show is great. I have to admit that the PS3 has had some great exlusive lately and the 360 a little less but it was completely the oposite at the start. So lately I have played my PS3 a little more. The same has happened with my 360 , sometimes I play my 360 more , sometimes it's PS3. Right now it's Demon's souls and by tomorrow it's going to be Uncharted 2.
I still think the PS3 needs a further price cut of about $50 to make it even more attractive to buy!
While I do agree that the PS3 price cut was nice I agree with 'tittenman'. If Sony cut the price by another $50 I buy it up right away.
I still think the PS3 needs a further price cut of about $50 to make it even more attractive to buy!

Another cut of $50 to make it more attrractive? Are you out of your mind? This isnt directed to you personally good sir but like I stated before,its taking a price cut to heat up the ps3 sales cause people are cheap and with the recent economy they were forced to wait for a cut rather than say "i got the extra beans I'll buy it now".

It was worth every penny at $399. 360 in the long run costs more than ps3 if the ps3 was $499. I paid $299 for the 360 and $200 worth of live since launch 4 years the math.

While I do agree that the PS3 price cut was nice I agree with 'tittenman'. If Sony cut the price by another $50 I buy it up right away.

you're just getting your account reved up and