Id have to say Im not surprised. Pretty much all of the casual gamers already own a Wii and some hardcore gamers do too.That said,with the Wii's lackluster game lineup,how many versions of swinging a tennis racket does one need, people are turning to ps3. Uncharted2 blowing up the fucking charts like gangbusters is helping also,believe it.
It took forever cause people are cheap.The ps3 is now $100 cheaper and its games lineup,multiplatform and exclusives, makes 360 into a nice paperweight if you get a RROD and its out of warranty. I wouldnt pay $100 to have a RROD'd 360 fixed with that games lineup.
Its 4 years old this holiday,so that extended warranty they did due to the 52% failure rate is starting to end for people. In the end here,the 1 year head start 360 had will be only relevant to the fact that they rushed to production to make holiday and now they are getting sued for it.
My prediction is ps3 will lead over 360 by god of war3 time in march.You'll prob have a killzone3 announcement too right around there.
It took forever cause people are cheap.The ps3 is now $100 cheaper and its games lineup,multiplatform and exclusives, makes 360 into a nice paperweight if you get a RROD and its out of warranty. I wouldnt pay $100 to have a RROD'd 360 fixed with that games lineup.
Its 4 years old this holiday,so that extended warranty they did due to the 52% failure rate is starting to end for people. In the end here,the 1 year head start 360 had will be only relevant to the fact that they rushed to production to make holiday and now they are getting sued for it.
My prediction is ps3 will lead over 360 by god of war3 time in march.You'll prob have a killzone3 announcement too right around there.