PS3 Question...

Hey, I recently picked up a PS3 (Johnny come lately I know) but anyway, I hear that it's somewhat backwards compatible with PS1 games, so I want to hit the pawn shops and such and pick up some of my old favorites (Resident Evil 2+3, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Star Wars Episode 1 ect)

But, my question is thus: 1) Do the PS1 games save to the PS3's hard drive or do I need a PS1 memory card

and 2) Anyone have a good list of games that are backwards compatible?

I have the new model "slim" 160 GB PS3 if that helps.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the only PS3 models that are backwards compatible were the original 60GB and 80GB version.

All ps3 play ps1 games, but only certain older models play ps2 games as well.

You can create an internal ps1 memory card on your hard drive and assin it to a slot and you can save to it.
Shows what I know. I thought the newer ones weren't BC with anything.

Thanks for clearing that up. I still have some PS1 games!!!

Cool, so, I can save to the hard drive, awesome!

Now to pick up some old games and take a trip down memory lane! :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Well, yes.
Odd, I don't get why the PS3 backwards compatability is all over the place. I got the origional 20GB model when it first came out. It played PS2 and ps1 games but didn't upscale them so they were only 480p. Later there was a firmware which DID upscale them and I got to play PS2 games in 1080p which was awesome.

Then I heard the 80GB version had a software PS2 player (rather then a chip) um ok cool no problem but then the newer versions dropped that too? why? software doesn't add to the cost of the unit I don't get it
software doesn't add to the cost of the unit I don't get it
i guess you have a point there.
however, my ps3 has hardware based backwards compatability - i never felt like using it. i'm not saying that i don't like my old ps2 games any more, but in these 4 years of owning a ps3 i didn't get bored with the new games...


Postal Paranoiac
Sorry to burst your bubble but the only PS3 models that are backwards compatible were the original 60GB and 80GB version.


Neither of which anyone carries anymore.
i have a question about PS3
every now and then i use it to surf the web. sometimes after i finish playing a game i will go on to check on stuff that im too lazy to do by getting up and going to my computer 2 rooms away. check yahoo,look up something stupid a friend just sent in a text,look up porn pics...
i have noticed lately that after being on the web for 20,25,30 minutes my unit will lock up and i have to manually go to the system and turn off the power switch in the back because nothing works to power the system down.
unit locks,screen gets locked,controller gets locked.
is this because its not made to handle porn and such stuff that a computer can process easily? i am forever asked on PS3 when on the web to "run the plugin" yes or no? i hit NO because when you hit yes it loads the page way slower.
i have tried to clear cache,clear history and cleared anything else.
should i just refrain from looking up porn on the PS3?
is there a way to clear the cache better than the simple option given?
i want to try to get my PS3 cleared up to prevent the locking up issue,im not sure if it happens with just using the unit on the web on the PS home page.
any suggestions or help?
Odd, I don't get why the PS3 backwards compatability is all over the place. I got the origional 20GB model when it first came out. It played PS2 and ps1 games but didn't upscale them so they were only 480p. Later there was a firmware which DID upscale them and I got to play PS2 games in 1080p which was awesome.

Then I heard the 80GB version had a software PS2 player (rather then a chip) um ok cool no problem but then the newer versions dropped that too? why? software doesn't add to the cost of the unit I don't get it

The 80GB version had both hardware and software backwards compatibility. So it had one of the 2 chips that was in the original PS3 used for PS2 compatibility and software to emulate the second chip. So to save cost, they removed the chip which meant the software became useless.

The stupid part of all this is that the PS3 is losing features with every new release while the 360 gets new ones.