Rep to Spexy for a great post! :thumbsup:
I think there's just something about human nature where we want/need to believe that we, or what we do, is somehow above certain others, even when what they're doing is similar to what we're doing. It's weird, huh? In my world, you don't want to be considered "plant level management", you want to be in corporate management or an executive level manager. Even though some plant managers make more money than many managers who work at corporate, people who work at the plant level are considered to be lower on the totem pole. They probably eat with their hands and wipe their noses on their sleeves... and there are people at the corporate level who actually do think that way.
And so many times I've noticed on here how some porn stars will get bent out of shape at the mere suggestion that porn is in any way connected to prostitution. Why? Is prostitution or escorting so wrong, yet making porn is so honorable??? At one time in the western world, anyone who performed on stage was considered to be something of a social outcast: "show people", they were called. And until very recently, actors divided themselves into two or three groups: film actors, stage actors and then TV actors. Film and stage acting made you the cream of the crop. Being on TV made you some sort of hack.
But yeah, if one is truly a social libertarian (which I would *think* that most porn performers/sex workers should be), how do you justify looking down on somebody who gets money for having sex with strangers as an escort or prostitute, but you see yourself as better than they are and you get money for having sex with strangers on film or tape? Where is the logic there? Isn't it a pretty slippery moral slope to be supporting that kind of thinking??? This is the exact reason I don't have any use for Evangelical/holy roller types: they tend to think their shit doesn't stink and they like to look down on other people.