I remember back in the good ole days when we didn't have so many damn mods, and we only had them for the purpose of approving pictures. Not have them today banning people for using profanity in a post or "flaming" someone. I strongly believe this board has gone from a porn board to a political board. Last time I checked this was a free country and much of this board is full of censorship issues. Kinda ironic on a porn site don't you think?
We have these so called insensitive board members who get offended over the most ridiculous things like cursing, making a negative post, or even a negative rep or whatever. There is a saying you know, If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
I believe this is now the second thread that mentions negative rep or whatever. I agree with the person who mentioned getting rid of the rep point system all together. Its obviously being abused, and people are taking it way too personal.
It seems this board has lost its true meaning of what its actually suppossed to be about. Which is hot women, tits, ass, pussy, and PORN!! I sometimes feel embarassed to read half the stuff on this board. Get rid of these morons who can't handle a little criticism, honest opinions or even profanity. They have no business on this board.
As for the mods, I feel their only true job is to approve pics, keep spammers away, and deal with copyright issues. I do believe some action should have been taken again Famousbabes for his comments towards Goblin. It shouldn't matter if he is a mod or not.
Sorry thats my two cents, which I feel should be said from a veteran of this board for almost 3 years.