Maggie Green
Official Checked Star Member
Bringing this thread back from the dead! I wanna play, ask away!
Mystic Maggie telephone psychic? I need to know more. Who do you like today at Arlington Park?
Marx Brothers or Stooges?
Did you kick yourself for doing this thread yet? If you did was it hard to pull off? I would think one would need to be pretty flexible to get a good kicking from oneself. :tongue:
[B][URL=" said:Maggie Green[/URL][/B], post: 8581500, member: 346743"]
I don't know much about either but I'll have to pick the Stooges : )
I have a few:
1. Dogs or cats?
2. Do you know how to drive a manual transmission?
3. What is one place you'd like to visit but haven't?
4. What is the last book you read?
5. If you drink, what's your poison of choice?
It's been a while...but I have a few more. Before I ask, though, I'll answer the ones I asked previously.Thanks for the questions, this is fun : ) I'm a dork : )
It's been a while...but I have a few more. Before I ask, though, I'll answer the ones I asked previously.
On dogs vs. cats: I've known and loved several of each, and ideally would have at least one of each.
On manual transmissions: I've been driving 'em for 20 years.
On places to visit: Not many remain. I'd love to go to Alaska, just to experience the vastness of the wilderness. Utah's bizarre landscapes also appeal to me. Outside of the U.S., it's a short list: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. My roots are over there, and I'd really like to see the Swiss Alps and architecture.
On books: I can't remember the last novel I's been a while. Two recent nonfiction favorites are Will To Live: Dispatches From The Edge Of Survival and Survive! Essential Skills And Tactics To Get You Out Of Anywhere--Alive, both by Les Stroud.
On alcohol: I overindulged in hard liquor in my 20s, so aside from whiskey and the odd mixed drink, I don't drink it much anymore. I never really acquired a taste for wine. However, I do enjoy a good quality beer. Alaskan Amber and anything from Tioga-Sequoia Brewing rate at the top of my list.
Now, on to the new questions:
1. A question I'm grappling with myself: FIAT 500 or Mini Cooper? (Not that your answer will sway me.)
2. What is your biggest housekeeping pet peeve?
3. What is the one place you visited that turned out to be the biggest disappointment?
4. For coffee: light, medium, or dark roast?
5. Would you rather suffer through extreme heat of extreme cold?
I've got some industry questions.
1) When you're working with a company like Score do they have a studio you shoot out of or do the locations change?
2) How many other babes do you run into behind the scenes when you're working on a shoot?
3) Are there lots of shoots going on at the same time?
4) Do any former or retired babes work behind the scenes in non-performing jobs or do most of them just fade away and disappear from the industry?