Town hall style has Romney at a bit of a disadvantage, in my opinion and there is no doubt the 47% comment comes up. Will be interesting to see how he handles it, and to see if he can respond to that type of question without using the "I care about the 100%" line his campaign has been floating for a few weeks. I'm looking for Romney to try and continue his assertive style tonight, and hopefully he will be able to maintain a small element of the control that he had throughout the first debates. Tonight could be a large step for the Romney campaign, its all about controlling the debate, and making salient points that speak to the people, as is even more important with a town hall format.
Hopefully there will be some tough questions submitted to Obama, not that there are really any softball questions surrounding this election. Seems like it will be a tough balancing act for Obama tonight, as he definitely needs to be more assertive in his debating style while not coming across as angry or defensive, but I don't think one becomes an effective debater over the course of 2 weeks. We shall see.