President Barack Obama is likely to be defeated in 2012


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Yeah, Romney is totally going to make everything better. It isn't like Republican policies put you guys in the hole you are in right now or anything.

Jon S.

I voted for Obama, and I'm the first to admit that I am not overly pleased with him so far...but, I can't believe anyone can seriously say that the best thing Obama has going for him toward being re-elected is none other than THE COMPETITION being presented by the GOP. There are any number of Republicans who have already thrown their hat into the ring that would most likely result in Obama turning out his base as a counter.

However, the American electorate does have a penchant for pulling off the absolutely idiotic...8 years of "W" comes to nothing is impossible...unlikely, but not impossible. Given the known field on the GOP side...I would still be quite surprised if Obama lost...UNLESS things REALLY went to Hell on a hand rail regarding the economy and unemployment. That MIGHT be enough to lead to anyone being able to beat him.
For Obama to actually be challenged, the "opposition" would have to break itself from the Branson-Southern Baptist Evangelical gravy train and/or disavow itself from pandering to the MIC chickenhawks. Neither is about to happen so how are you going to get anything different?

The winner (as proven of the course of the last two decades) in 2012 will be the candidate with the most contributions from Goldman Sachs. Put it on the board.

If we collectively believe
1. The economy turned to the shitter because of Obama's swearing in
2. The economy can be righted in 2 years

Then, I suppose, anyone can win in that type of milieu where everyone is a complete and fucking idiot. The economy collapse of 2008 is the result of a runaway downhill train that had been building up steam for 30 years. If you think you could stop it with just a tap on the brakes, you're out of your fucking mind. There are HARD CHOICES to make to rebuild America and right the economic blight we've created and we haven't even attempted to address them at this point.

The 'right'/gop/republican tea party way of thinking is blaming the poor, unprivileged, and 'foreigners' on the current mess and turn a blind eye to what actually started this mess (exceptionalist, corporate pandering hubris)

I voted for Ron Paul in 2008, and would gladly embrace a Nader-Kuccinch-Paul culture shock for a dose of reality in our government, but its not going to happen (but I won't be voting for any candidate that either party endorses)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Some of you people are stupid. Any one of the new candidates can (and will) beat Obama. I'm going to love seeing the look on your faces when Obama is defeated in a year. :)

I'll remember this

As will I. Hell, I might make it into a signature line. It reminds me of the people who've been saying for years that D@nica Patrick will be in Formula One... some day. And just like Patrick's F1 dreams (fantasies!), "some day" will never come for Bachmann either. :rolleyes:

Her latest "idea", once she becomes Presidentress, is to eliminate the minimum wage, eliminate the capital gains tax and turn the medical insurance market TOTALLY over to free enterprise. In her spare time she's probably also going to cure cancer using nothing more than a microwave and a loaf of bread and establish contact with the little green men on Mars.

I find it amusing that anyone would think that this batshit crazy, religious freak, with a fuzzy academic resume and a penchant for mixing up every historical fact known to man, could actually get enough votes to become President of the United States. Even if the unemployment rate hit 20%, I still don't think the American people would be dopey enough to vote for her. Of course, H. L. Mencken did say: "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." So... :dunno:

But no, I don't think we're THAT stupid. At least I hope not. I'd hate to tell my grandkids that I witnessed the election that brought about the end of the American Republic. Might be kinda cool though... like being around for the fall of Rome. :hybrid:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Remember, when it comes to the primaries themselves, the crazies can come out in force. Hence, one of the crazies could gain the Republican nomination (though it is quickly coming to the point that the crazies are the GOP status quo). And though the crazies might be deemed as a viable candidate by the right, everyone else in the states could very well look at them and go "Yeah...I'm not voting for that piece of shit".
Those in charge of the GOP, those with the money, need to make sure one of the crazies do not grab that nomination. It could be a disaster for the Republicans, win or lose.

That said, the GOP needs to very, very, very carefully watch where they tread. Voters are already becoming quite disenfranchised with their workings, especially in states like Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin. The GOP is finding out very quickly that their "all or nothing" attitude towards government is ripping the rug from underneath them. Should they continue this trend, they will find it almost impossible to defeat Obama when the times comes.
And should we go even further and the GOP DOES defeat Obama...and the new President takes on the attitude of one of the aforementioned governors or of Bush, things could fall apart very quickly and very tragically. After fucking up those states, and having Bush fuck up the country for 8 years, the rope being given to the GOP is getting shorter and shorter and shorter.
Remember, when it comes to the primaries themselves, the crazies can come out in force. Hence, one of the crazies could gain the Republican nomination (though it is quickly coming to the point that the crazies are the GOP status quo). And though the crazies might be deemed as a viable candidate by the right, everyone else in the states could very well look at them and go "Yeah...I'm not voting for that piece of shit".
Those in charge of the GOP, those with the money, need to make sure one of the crazies do not grab that nomination. It could be a disaster for the Republicans, win or lose.

That said, the GOP needs to very, very, very carefully watch where they tread. Voters are already becoming quite disenfranchised with their workings, especially in states like Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin. The GOP is finding out very quickly that their "all or nothing" attitude towards government is ripping the rug from underneath them. Should they continue this trend, they will find it almost impossible to defeat Obama when the times comes.
And should we go even further and the GOP DOES defeat Obama...and the new President takes on the attitude of one of the aforementioned governors or of Bush, things could fall apart very quickly and very tragically. After fucking up those states, and having Bush fuck up the country for 8 years, the rope being given to the GOP is getting shorter and shorter and shorter.

Also both parties want to get that Latino vote. Latinos are expected to vote in record numbers in 2012.
i think robin williams should run for president in 2012, he'd totally be the man of the year ;)

i was thinking willie least with willie we would have one thing took care of (ROLL EM IF YOU GOT EM!!):D:cool::tongue::laugh::bigjump::jump:
So? You think some Republican candidate is going to come in and make everything alright? Your just swapping one turd in the punch bowl for another. Obama made promises and claims to get elected and the new guy will make promises and claims to get elected and both at the end of the day will have the same results.


This country is no longer for "the people"!
The issue here isn't SHOULD Obama be unseated, it's that he probably will. When something is wrong, change is made. Will the next guy fix everything? Probably not, just as Obama hasn't. But, as 3 years ago, and the last 2 midterms as well, everyone panics and starts to lean the other way.
Historically speaking, Obama has a lot of things working against him. Only one sitting POTUS has won another term with the economy in the toilet. Obama is not FDR. There has never been three consecutive two term Presidents. The lemmings want to put the blame on one person even though no one person can do a thing about the economy. Right or wrong, "He" didn't get the job done.

Now, with no perceived viable candidate on the other side he could just use scare tactics. Hey, it worked for Bush.