Yours is too serious. Lighten up.
I thought it was funny and that's why I posted it. :1orglaugh
I don't support any political party or religion. IMO None of them practice what they preach. :2 cents:
Yours is too serious. Lighten up.
Our country won't survive four more years of failed socialist, Marxist, Progressive policies.
Bailing out some of our biggest capitalist concerns
aggressively persuing Bin Laden and Al queda
not letting the Bush tax cuts expire
It doesn't get more marxist than that
You don't even post enough to worry about what I do on here.
While I'd like to see him go, I wanna see him go from the electorate kicking him and all the others of his party up for re-election out and emphatically rejecting everything he and his party stand for. If he just decides not to run, then Biden or Hillary step in, they'll say they'll do things.
You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.
You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.
You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.
Anyway ... on topic. I'd actually like to see Hillary give it a go.
She's got bigger balls than Obama, that's for sure.
Yeah, saying you're more popular than him is like saying you are better liked than Hitler......not exactly setting the bar very high! Ha ha ha!Fucking Osama Bin laden would have been a more popular FO member than Will E Trebus ....
Anyway ... on topic. I'd actually like to see Hillary give it a go.
She's got bigger balls than Obama, that's for sure.
You think the elite lib media/far leftists will pull the rug out from under a black man's feet to allow a white to run in his place?
I do hope the next 4 years to be Obama Free.
Uh yeah. That's not capitalism. Capitalism has them fail when they screw up. It's the natural order. Bailing things out falls under socialism and Marxism.
Oh, and by the way, giving your enemy (Bin Laden) a proper or acceptable Muslim burial is not aggressive. Stuffing him in a SPAM can with the SPAM still in it and firing him out into space as an example of what happens when we kill them to dissuade them from fighting us is aggressive.
As I recall, they didn't wanna do that. They wanted to raise taxes. Still do.
Let's see, there's Obamacare
taking over GM
while almost half the country pays nothing
(Czars are for Russia, not US)
now with that joke 'Attack Watch' or whatever it is
Well gee then, being as Bush instituted TARP, he must be a marxist too
Oh for fuck's sake. He's DEAD. That's all that matters.
Your suggestion we treat his remains with the kind of barbarism a terrorist might visit on yours is the very embodiment of hypocrisy.
Not to mention that far from dissuading retributive acts, it would further justify them, in the minds of our enemies.
There's no question whatsoever that Obama has prosecuted the Afghan war with more men, material, focus and aggression than Bush did.
Wanted too. Could have. Might. Maybe. Plans to. Blah blah blah.
The fact is that up until now he has not. And all he ever advocated was a return to Clinton era levels - an increase of around 3%. Not exactly confiscatory, is it? And most certainly not Marxist.
"Obamacare" isn't even a single payer system ala Canada, Great Britain, Germay, et al. Calling it marxist is a complete joke. It may even prove to be quite a boon to the insurance industry, which last I looked is one of our largest capitalist concerns.
GM's government loans have all been repaid. We're out of the auto making business. Another major capitalist concern (along with hundreds of thousands of jobs) saved.
The public is able to invest in GM stock again.
Under Marxism the government controls all means of production. So as you can see, your assertion is not only groundless, it's ridiculous.
a partial truth that's constantly presented by righties as an absolute.
That 50ish percent may not pay income taxes, but they still contribute through other forms of taxation.
Still more vacuous, uniformed crappola courtesy of the right wing echo chamber
You think these so-called czars first appeared under Obama?
Every president going all the way back to Roosevelt has had at least one.
Way back in the early 70s Nixon had five.
Do you know how many "czars" Bush appointed? Forty nine.
attackwatch (much like snopes and politifact) is a debunking site. One can see from your posts alone why such sites would be useful.
Yea, but Whitey is a woman.
Yea, it's called quid pro quoright on!
Bailing out some of our biggest capitalist concerns,
the 'w' admin built the house, while the ''o'' admin merely roofed it.aggressively persuing Bin Laden and Al queda
Nice job not reading the article. :tongue:
He's already said he doesn't care if he's a one-term President.
Obama: 'There are days when I say one term is enough' and my family doesn't care if I'm President Link