Post Your Reputation History


I spread love to those who may not have helped me but are IDing the Dirty Bitches for people when I need to spread love before I can give it to those I want to again! :):):)


Someone said there is no hate for shemales here... well this shows a different view!

Nice names are smudged so they too dont get so hate.


People don't like being tricked, you got the bad rep because you tricked people. Im sure if I came out and said I was actually a Conservative and had tricked the board into thinking I was Liberal then I'd get bad rep too. My point is you got the bad rep because you tricked people and it doesn't prove that the board hates shemales, although for the record this isn't the place to post shit like that.
I thought this thread had been closed. Posting rep history, as in posting PMs (strictly forbidden), was never encouraged, and especially now with auto-signing of a USER ID to rep, it should not probably be posted. My :2 cents:


Retired Moderator
I knew nothing of it. The thread appeared open so I posted. I had nothing to hide and covered the names of the people who gave rep, good or bad. I guess you live and you learn
This thread was started merely days after the rep system started.
It was an excuse for people to 'boast' about their rep count.
As far as I'm concerned my rep total, and those who gave me it, is for my eyes only.
This thread was started merely days after the rep system started.
It was an excuse for people to 'boast' about their rep count.
As far as I'm concerned my rep total, and those who gave me it, is for my eyes only.

Tsk...the things people say.:ban:

btw: I've got 123045...whoopee!!!:glugglug:
Dammit, Now I'm gonna have to boast again...
Damn - the first couple of pages of this thread are like the "banned for life" hall of fame... Mods - just for good measure - is this thread really necessary...some might find it offensive or embarrassing if their rep isn't up to snuff...but its in my nature to keep others in mind...